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Hey all, I am in search of some wood working magazines, past editions, if you have a few that is just taking up space and not needed i would love to have them. I can pay for shipping, if you wanna let them go


also, whats the best wood working mag that i can subscribe to?




If you're looking for scroll saw magazines, there's really only 2. Scroll Saw Woodoworking & Crafts and Creative Woodworking & Crafts. I prefer SSW&C. I like their projects and layout of their magazine better, but they only have 4 issues a year. CCW&C has 8 issues a year. They also have great projects.


As far as woodworking magazines (furniture, etc), I subscribe to Wood Magazine. I like their layout and the projects are accessible. But there are so many good ones out there, I'd just go to a newsstand and pick out a few and see which ones you like best. Popular Woodworking is a good one. Fine woodworking is great, but waaaaaaay beyond my skill.


i got over 200 scrollsaw magazines.for some reason i buy them and look thru them and say hey im going to make that and then i get busy either designing a pattern or cutting one from the fine designers here that i forget about the magazine .and before i know the wife is cleaning and puts them in a box and guess what.once in the box i really forget about them lol


Travis, DJ and Kevin, thanks for the replies, im looking for scroll saw mags, but also anything to do with carving, im trying to teach myself on how to carve 3 dimensional pieces... i got a few books from library, one is by Chris Pye, dam he does some awesome work. got a few I wanna try, that i need to print out today. Hoping soon i can get to home depot and find some good mags, instead of just going in and buying wood


that great jim,seek and you'll find.I'm amazed at how computers find things faster than you can think of them!.There was a carveing magazine i was interested in .Some of the people were carveing caractures that blew me away.What God givin talant!Your in the same boat.It all starts with that first cut!I don't know what kind of time you have to spend with your hobbie.The way it looks your going to be turning out some real masterpieces sooner that you think.Connie can help too! lol :)I've been buying airbrush magazines since 1991 and now have stopped.They are going down hill i my opinion with the dark side of life. Chock full of Evil,death, blood,witchs,devils,serpents in all there issues.Really turned me off.It's a shame,but that leaves more money for scrollsaw blades now!




The library where I use to live gave away many of their magazines when they were two editions old. You may want to see what woodworking mags your library has and what they do with them. I had to be put on a list to get the ones I wanted. If you don't care about how current the issue is, that may work.



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