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If his goals was about making money he wouldn't be having goals of " how many he can sell ".. it'd be more about how little you can sell for the most amount of $$..  and he seems to me to be just setting a goal of how many he can produce and sell.. quite opposite of how a business would really run if they was looking for $$ growth.. unless you're a big production company and hiring a bunch of low paid workers.. then you make a lot and sell for little profit margins..  

5 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

If his goals was about making money he wouldn't be having goals of " how many he can sell ".. it'd be more about how little you can sell for the most amount of $$..  and he seems to me to be just setting a goal of how many he can produce and sell.. quite opposite of how a business would really run if they was looking for $$ growth.. unless you're a big production company and hiring a bunch of low paid workers.. then you make a lot and sell for little profit margins..  

Kevin I understand he is on a high and not sure how old he is but when you set goal numbers where do they stop. He does 1600 this year what is it next year 2000?? You become a slave unto yourself. You are whipping yourself and for what. One day you wake up and it maybe all gone. Time is a precious commodity. Never will I put myself in a position to have to work 24 hours a day to meet fictitious numbers. I give him the credit he has that ambition but also feel sorry. Yes everyone is wired different as someone said but deep down you have to know when to say UNCLE too. Wish him and all others that scroll for pace good luck.  

1 hour ago, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

Kevin I understand he is on a high and not sure how old he is but when you set goal numbers where do they stop. He does 1600 this year what is it next year 2000?? You become a slave unto yourself. You are whipping yourself and for what. One day you wake up and it maybe all gone. Time is a precious commodity. Never will I put myself in a position to have to work 24 hours a day to meet fictitious numbers. I give him the credit he has that ambition but also feel sorry. Yes everyone is wired different as someone said but deep down you have to know when to say UNCLE too. Wish him and all others that scroll for pace good luck.  

Cannot agree with you more JT..


Posted (edited)

I think different things motivate different people, so nothing wrong with wanting to get a lot of product out the door.  If I was "production cutting", 20 minutes a day would have me going the EX/King 16" route.  I understand some folks don't like the EX, but it is a great saw and might last a little longer.  As far as getting used to something different, the EX would be a lot closer to the usability of the 788 than the Hawk.  Even the cost of a new 788 every 9 months might pay for itself, I'm not sure.

I'm hoping as Iggy gets comfortable with the Hawk, that 20 minutes difference disappears.


Edited by hotshot


My new Hawk worked great out of the box and i still have not had any issues. I also still have my new 788. To me my Hawk cuts more aggressive & faster than the 788. I think once you get comfortable with the Hawk your speed will increase. For cutting 1" thick wood for my intarsia I don't think the 788 can compare. The only thing I use the 788 for now is cutting either dowels or raising / sanding shims out of 1/4" ply.


7 hours ago, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

Kevin I understand he is on a high and not sure how old he is but when you set goal numbers where do they stop. He does 1600 this year what is it next year 2000?? You become a slave unto yourself. You are whipping yourself and for what. One day you wake up and it maybe all gone. Time is a precious commodity. Never will I put myself in a position to have to work 24 hours a day to meet fictitious numbers. I give him the credit he has that ambition but also feel sorry. Yes everyone is wired different as someone said but deep down you have to know when to say UNCLE too. Wish him and all others that scroll for pace good luck.  

It is fun to read the comments and viewpoints, keep 'em coming.

But folks, keep in mind, I'm 53 years old, I know my limitations, while at the same time I know what I enjoy and what excites me.  I mentioned earlier everything I have going on, yet I get 7 1/2 hours of sleep every single night and I spend the evenings with my wife.  I don't let any "work" or "hobby" take away from my family time or my sleep.  I'm enjoying the fact that my "hobby" makes more money than someone working full time at a minimum wage job.  I'm enjoying the fact that if I really wanted to, I could make a modest living cutting puzzles full time and selling them 2 days or 3 days a week at various events.  I'm in sales at my full time job and at any given time I could be pushed out the door even though I've been with my company almost 12 years, that means nothing anymore.  So, basically, right now, I have 2 contingency plans... puzzles and maps.  I've grown accustomed to working from home, not having to travel and if I have to, I'll make the puzzles and map businesses work so that I can continue to support my family without having to dedicate myself to an employer that has no dedication to me.  I make a lot more money than most at my day job and I don't want to walk away from it, but if pushed out, I want to have options.  And right now, I have those and feel good about it and am enjoying myself every minute.

PS - 1600 is all I'll be able to handle as long as I'm doing this part time.

Posted (edited)

I certainly am not interested in the sales route but that is me. Certainly, age is a factor and having a business to fall back on in case something happens is a great idea.  I am glad he is doing well.

When I read reviews, I take into account what people are doing with their saws.  If you are cutting a zillion puzzles you need a tough and quick cutting saw.  People who do fret work want a top feeder.  So, the characteristics needed for one person are not necessarily those others want. 

Edited by Sycamore67
33 minutes ago, Bpardue said:


My new Hawk worked great out of the box and i still have not had any issues. I also still have my new 788. To me my Hawk cuts more aggressive & faster than the 788. I think once you get comfortable with the Hawk your speed will increase. For cutting 1" thick wood for my intarsia I don't think the 788 can compare. The only thing I use the 788 for now is cutting either dowels or raising / sanding shims out of 1/4" ply.


Hey Brian, interesting that you feel that the Hawk cuts more aggressively.  My son lives in Winston-Salem, next time we go up to visit I may contact you to see if I can swing by and check out your Hawk.  I may do a drug test on it also as it must be on steroids.  ;-)

6 hours ago, hotshot said:

I think different things motivate different people, so nothing wrong with wanting to get a lot of product out the door.  If I was "production cutting", 20 minutes a day would have me going the EX/King 16" route.  I understand some folks don't like the EX, but it is a great saw and might last a little longer.  As far as getting used to something different, the EX would be a lot closer to the usability of the 788 than the Hawk.  Even the cost of a new 788 every 9 months might pay for itself, I'm not sure.

I'm hoping as Iggy gets comfortable with the Hawk, that 20 minutes difference disappears.


Randy, I really do want the Hawk to work out for me, I'd love to get used to it and have a saw that won't wear out within a year.  However, if I simply don't like it after giving it a real chance, I'll go back to the DeWalt and if I wear one out every year, so be it.  The cost of a new one is less than the sale of 20 puzzles, a very small price to pay as a cost of doing business.  

17 hours ago, Iguanadon said:

Hey Rocky, for me it wasn't a matter of needing more clamping pressure, I just didn't like the small winged knob, it's never at the right angle to grab and turn and was a minor nuisance.  Round knob just easier to use as it's consistent.

I have the round wood knobs on top and bottom. Works great.


Iggy, once again you have made my day! I am so happy that you did not give up on the Hawk. I am assuming that you have adjusted the front back blade motion to near vertical. If so that makes it a lot less aggressive than the Dewalt, but you get the benefit of tighter cleaner turns.  

I like the knobs that came with my original Hawk G4 clamps  they had a tri shape with a soft rubber coating. The problem was I had such a good grip I tended to over tighten them all of the time.  The one on the right is the current one except on my saw I installed the Pozgai (no longer available) Delta quick clamp mod on the top.

Regarding goals, I look at them as challenging myself. When I started scrolling this Christmas ornament on my old Delta SS350 it took me over an hour to cut a stack of six. It now takes me a comfortable 40 minutes. It is 4" tall.  

 Iggy that is some goal you have set for yourself. As long as it is fun, fun being the key word.

What is your favorite puzzle?

Old and new clamps.jpg


Moon boy bringing home the treetree.JPG


Screw it... 7 day test is being cut short to just 3 days... Cuz I'm very happy with the Hawk.  15 puzzles cut over a 3 day period without a single issue, snapped blade or hiccup.  I just moved it into my cutting area and moved the DeWalt out to sit next to my backup.

I will use the Hawk all winter as I stockpile for next year.  Just to irritate JT I'm setting a goal of 420 puzzles over the next 14 weeks.  30 a week, 5 a day with one day a week allowed in which I say "Nope, I don't feel like cutting today."  ;-)

My first event is March 30-31, 2 days, major event, with an expectation of selling 125 puzzles.  I haven't done this event before. 

Then I have 1 month to replenish for my next show April 28.  1 day event, sold 96 that day last year.




3 minutes ago, Iguanadon said:

Screw it... 7 day test is being cut short to just 3 days... Cuz I'm very happy with the Hawk.  15 puzzles cut over a 3 day period without a single issue, snapped blade or hiccup.  I just moved it into my cutting area and moved the DeWalt out to sit next to my backup.

I will use the Hawk all winter as I stockpile for next year.  Just to irritate JT I'm setting a goal of 420 puzzles over the next 14 weeks.  30 a week, 5 a day with one day a week allowed in which I say "Nope, I don't feel like cutting today."  ;-)

My first event is March 30-31, 2 days, major event, with an expectation of selling 125 puzzles.  I haven't done this event before. 

Then I have 1 month to replenish for my next show April 28.  1 day event, sold 96 that day last year.




Did that mag light come with your Hawk? I like that it has a cover over the lens.. I rearranged my shop and now my saws sit next to a window.. and I don't like the idea of that mag light starting a fire with the sun shining in.. actually cover it with an old box.. but it's getting annoying to remember to do etc.. been thinking of upgrading lights to maybe a LED one.. with a cover of coarse LOL..  

3 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

Did that mag light come with your Hawk? I like that it has a cover over the lens.. I rearranged my shop and now my saws sit next to a window.. and I don't like the idea of that mag light starting a fire with the sun shining in.. actually cover it with an old box.. but it's getting annoying to remember to do etc.. been thinking of upgrading lights to maybe a LED one.. with a cover of coarse LOL..  

The light was part of a package available when I bought the saw.  Leg extenders for the back legs and light.  

I've been thinking of having a couple of windows installed in my garage.  There are none right now and during the summer it gets crazy hot in there.  The garage doors open help, but without air being able to pass thru it just boils.

16 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

Did that mag light come with your Hawk? I like that it has a cover over the lens.. I rearranged my shop and now my saws sit next to a window.. and I don't like the idea of that mag light starting a fire with the sun shining in.. actually cover it with an old box.. but it's getting annoying to remember to do etc.. been thinking of upgrading lights to maybe a LED one.. with a cover of coarse LOL..  

Kevin, that looks a lot like mine. I bought mine from Harbor Freight for about $35. It has the cover that you want too. For the price, I feel that it is a very good bargain. It works great, has no distortion that I have found and moves around really well. 



6 minutes ago, Iguanadon said:

The light was part of a package available when I bought the saw.  Leg extenders for the back legs and light.  

I've been thinking of having a couple of windows installed in my garage.  There are none right now and during the summer it gets crazy hot in there.  The garage doors open help, but without air being able to pass thru it just boils.

I have a lot of windows (7) plus the two big garage doors.. during the daytime I never have to run lights in the shop.. I did that mostly because the other garage I used to work in had no windows.. and I practically live in the garage.. When I built this new shop.. I wanted lots of windows and also built it eco friendly.. everything is LED lighting etc.. Originally was ( and may still one day ) going to power this shop with solar panels.. and for those that wonder about the cost... not much when you build your own solar panels.. but that's another topic for a different day..  

12 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

Did that mag light come with your Hawk? I like that it has a cover over the lens.. I rearranged my shop and now my saws sit next to a window.. and I don't like the idea of that mag light starting a fire with the sun shining in.. actually cover it with an old box.. but it's getting annoying to remember to do etc.. been thinking of upgrading lights to maybe a LED one.. with a cover of coarse LOL..  


I recently bought a led/magnifying light over the internet - can't remember the brand. I don't like the magnifying part as it makes me nauseous when using. Around $60. My advice is to check out the lights at a store before you buy. I like my older fluorescent magnifying lights much better.



17 minutes ago, orangeman said:


I recently bought a led/magnifying light over the internet - can't remember the brand. I don't like the magnifying part as it makes me nauseous when using. Around $60. My advice is to check out the lights at a store before you buy. I like my older fluorescent magnifying lights much better.



I should have stated, I don't use the magnifier.  I have perfect up-close eyesight and don't need any zoom or anything when cutting my particular puzzles.

Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

I have a lot of windows (7) plus the two big garage doors.. during the daytime I never have to run lights in the shop.. I did that mostly because the other garage I used to work in had no windows.. and I practically live in the garage.. When I built this new shop.. I wanted lots of windows and also built it eco friendly.. everything is LED lighting etc.. Originally was ( and may still one day ) going to power this shop with solar panels.. and for those that wonder about the cost... not much when you build your own solar panels.. but that's another topic for a different day..  

I will be interested in that discussion.

I have the Britetech 5 diopter led magnifier. I love it. If I were to buy another it will be a 3 diopter the 5 is a bit too strong.

It replaced a fluorescent ring lamp and is much brighter.

Edited by Rolf

Hey Iggy you are in no way irritating me. I hope you make and sell everyone you make. You know it will come to an end though as all projects do. Saturate the market and that is that. I challenge you to do 2000 puzzles this year. Why set the goal so low???  As long as you are enjoying yourself. Hope you are taking safety seriously when it comes to all that dust. I enjoy making many different projects. Challenges my mind more that just puzzles. My lathe takes up much of my time these days anyway. Good luck to you on both making and selling. I do mean that.


At one time I used a magnifier for just a light source, now I can not scroll without it. Age does that someone told me. 


Iggy, keep settin' goals & keep sawin', brother! It gives ya something to keep workin' towards, & a good way to give the saw a workout!

I cut several different types of patterns. Big ones, little ones, wild animals, Native American work. I just finished a bear cross w/a bull rider in the center, an elk on top, a moose to the left, & a deer to the right. Cut in walnut & inlaid with beetle kill pine. I cut my own feathers for my dream catchers. They aren't any particular type of wood. Depending on the customers' likes, I do glue ups of cherry, oak, maple, walnut, barn wood, beetle kill pine, poplar, etc. Whatever they want, & run the glue up thru the planer down to 3/16" thick, then a quick pass thru the drum sander, & the wood is ready for feather patterns. Some days I'll cut a couple dozen, other days I'm doin' damn good if I get a half a dozen cut. 

I been at this long enough, the only goals I set anymore is to get the work done I've taken on. Corn harvest hits about the middle of Christmas work, so everything shuts down & I drive truck for corn harvest. When we're done, I'm busier'n a couple a junkyard tomcats in a gunny sack tryin' to get everything done. Most of the time I get things done, but other times I don't. My customers are patient, & understanding. 

Keep on keepin' on, Mr. Scott! If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Keep livin' the dream! And, like JT said, one day ya wake up & it's all gone, well, with your talents, ya can always start over!


Yes John, scrolling is a hobby, but only a hobby for most of us. For Iggy, scrolling is a business, and with it being so, he has to have a schedule. He has to have so many puzzles to start the year out with, and to get the amount needed he has to cut so many per day or week. Most of us don't operate this way, we only cut when we want to. But with Iggy, it's a business, and if he wants to stay in business he has to cut, no choice in the matter. So scrolling to him, isn't like scrolling to the rest of us is. Most of us don't want to make it into a business, because we don't want to ruin a hobby. Where Iggy looks at it like a business, not as a hobby. He cuts and sells to much, for it to be considered a hobby. Plus, he advertises his business, and he claims and pays taxes on what he buys and sells. He is all business, not hobby like us.


Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

Hey Iggy you are in no way irritating me. I hope you make and sell everyone you make. You know it will come to an end though as all projects do. Saturate the market and that is that. I challenge you to do 2000 puzzles this year. Why set the goal so low???  As long as you are enjoying yourself. Hope you are taking safety seriously when it comes to all that dust. I enjoy making many different projects. Challenges my mind more that just puzzles. My lathe takes up much of my time these days anyway. Good luck to you on both making and selling. I do mean that.


At one time I used a magnifier for just a light source, now I can not scroll without it. Age does that someone told me. 

Thanks JT, I've been having fun every minute of the 17 months I've been making these puzzles.  I wish I could accept your 2000 challenge, but 1600 is probably my limit on a part time basis.  And the nice thing is I have a fresh batch of customers every week for 6 months out of the year with tourists coming to town so I'm OK for a while before I saturate the market and I'll hopefully be dead by then.

Edited by Iguanadon
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Lucky2 said:

Yes John, scrolling is a hobby, but only a hobby for most of us. For Iggy, scrolling is a business, and with it being so, he has to have a schedule. He has to have so many puzzles to start the year out with, and to get the amount needed he has to cut so many per day or week. Most of us don't operate this way, we only cut when we want to. But with Iggy, it's a business, and if he wants to stay in business he has to cut, no choice in the matter. So scrolling to him, isn't like scrolling to the rest of us is. Most of us don't want to make it into a business, because we don't want to ruin a hobby. Where Iggy looks at it like a business, not as a hobby. He cuts and sells to much, for it to be considered a hobby. Plus, he advertises his business, and he claims and pays taxes on what he buys and sells. He is all business, not hobby like us.


This is my mentality.. it's not a hobby.. well it is but isn't.. I do slow down for life.. I quit a well paying higher position on a factory type job 19 years ago where I was  within the top 20 in seniority.. I had 13 years into that company.. I did this because I always told myself that I'll never have kids if I am going to have to send them to a daycare type setting for them to raise them.. I tried to hang onto my job and get family etc to help watch the kiddos but it wasn't working out.. My wife didn't want to quit here career.. and I worked tons of overtime where she only worked 3 days a week 12 hour shifts.. she encouraged me to quit.. at the time I wanted to start up my own autobody collision repair business.. which I did here at home for a few years but proved too challenging getting work done while watching the kids.. that line of work can be tough on a mans body as he gets older.. I backed out of doing it.. more for the family and myself.. was too stressful dealing with both the needs of my family and my customers wanting their cars back, LOL

Anyway, fast forward though several odd and end side jobs and little business start-ups etc.. I found my dads old scroll saw he bought after he retired.. at this time.. my kids was getting bigger and could get their own glass of water etc LOL.. I just sort of fell into business.. and this also happen around a time that I was thinking I could go back to work with a part time job... I do this part time.. but I make more money than I did at that factory 19 years ago.. It's convenient for me as I can work my own hours and at my own pace..as long as the work gets done. My wife was diagnosed with crohn's back in 2012 and had a lot of testing etc done.. I was here for her and was able to help take care of the family and take her to the university hospital for all the specialist etc.. had I worked a regular job I'd of been fired for all the days I'd have had to miss to be with her..and or take care of family etc.. Which is a BIG reason I am only a online business rather than doing shows.. I cannot commit to shows because we just don't know what life might throw at us in the next day or two let alone signing up for a show a month or more out in advance.. The online thing works for me.. I can do 90% of my online work right on my cell phone while waiting at doctors offices etc.. 

I cannot work a regular day job and do the things I do.. especially for the money I make.. It's not a lot of money.. but it's also not full time.. I work when I want / can.. and it brings in more money than most of the full time jobs I could land right now in my area.. so it's what I do.. I do work my tail off for 2 -3 months a year.. Oct. - Dec.with orders and custom made orders etc.. I don't build un-needed inventory.. make the first one.. take photos and when it  sells then it changes to a made to order item.. Doing this allows me to make "new" inventory and keep the online store active with new products for customers that are following me.. 

And, yes JT.. I do think safety first.. I wear a dust mask ( eclipes model ) and run dust collection etc.. and as money allows I'll be investing more into dust vacuum systems etc.. but don't go into the shop without my mask on..  

Most... well I'd probably say.. ALL the hobbyist wannabes.. that dream of doing online craft business such as I do will not put in the time it takes to get the business off the ground and build a following that is needed to do it.. It's a LOT of time online doing business to get off the ground... Time that I had where I was bored / worried while waiting in waiting rooms etc for the doctors to come and see my wife.. doing the business on my phone etc was a distraction for me.. and most likely would not have happen in a normal scenario.. so I feel those that want to do as I do online.. you'll need a lot of dedication..   

Edited by kmmcrafts

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