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Bit Cold Today In The Shop


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4 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

I cannot agree more with this.. My inlaws live in Texas south of San Antonio an hour or so.. anyway visited them back in 2010 ( I think ) while there every single day was 105+ one day was 127F and we went to a little creek place where a lot of folk go to cool off.. the water was what we would consider the temp of a hot tub /sauna thing.. no cooling me off in that.. LOL

I deal pretty well in cold..until it gets into the low teens or lower.. then I get cold.. but.. on a positive note... Most of our winters are at least mid teens with only a hand full of what I would consider stay in the house kind of cold.. and even then.. it's not very often it gets that way.. Also rarely get to a heat where I feel I have to stay in the air conditioning.. . That said though.. My wife has some health issues that the cold really bothers her.. but also so does the heat.. so... I may move south one day.. but not to a place where it's extreme hot or cold.. maybe somewhat in the middle.. We both love Tennessee.. not sure how cold or hot they get there.. but we have talked about going there on and off.. once the kids get through school and probably after retiring.. Or we'll buy a second home or another travel trailer and just go south for the worst of the cold days.. which the worst is typically mid Jan. to mid Feb..   

I remember when that heatwave occurred in Texas. Not a normal thing though. Every place has it's extremes.



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Great picture of the snake, but picking strawberries on my Grandfather's farm in Michigan many years ago, would have the occasion to run into black racers nearly that size. Of course I'm sitting here in my shorts waiting for day break to start working on my veggie garden. Moved away from that 45 years ago and don't miss it a bit. But different strokes makes the world go round.

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