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What a surprise


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On 1/10/2018 at 9:35 PM, Hawk said:

So, back, early in 2017 my life got really crazy, so much so that scrollsawing took a back seat. I had just moved into a new house and trying to set up some sort of shop in the basement.

Here it is, January 2018 and things are slowly coming together. I finally had a chance to sit down and catch up with a few issues of Scrollsaw Woodworking &  Crafts. After talking them out of the plastic I grabbed Spring 2017 and started looking thru.

Did I ever get a surprise on page 8. There is a picture of a clock I had done in the summer of 2016. I started to read the info on the picture and "BAM". I surprised to learn that I had submitted the photo. Heck, I don't even remember sending it in.

Just a great way to end a long day of putting together a Scrollsaw shop.

Hope to get back "in the saddle" by the end of the month. Sure have missed making nice looking firewood.....lol.



I normaly would have that issue but i had an issue with the magazine company and haven't bought one since.I was a faithful customer since 2004.I don't like being lied too.But would be another one very interested in seeing some of your work .Welcome friend! Be a regular ,lots to talk about here!

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