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Replacing parts on EX-21


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I have googled and searched youtube to find a video that shows how to replace the drive link assembly and the front rocker arms on my EX_21.  My searching skills are lacking and I will blame that on achieving geezerhood more years ago than I care to remember or even can remember. (I've been getting free drinks at Wataburger and Taco Bell for over 10 years now.)

I do have printed instructions somewhere if I can find them, but videos are much easier for me to understand. 

Does anyone out there have any suggestions? They will be greatly appreciated.

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Got er done. All parts replaced and nothing left over. Runs like a spotted-a$$ ape and smooth as a baby's butt. It's like I got a brand new saw.

Didn't find any Excalibur repair videos but did find some for DeWalt. Enough similarities, they helped some.


This is a link to the first - there are four.

Thanks for all your suggestions.

Weather is getting nasty tonight, be that way for a few days - dear sweet wife is with her parents so I'm home alone. Going to be some serious sawdust making happening here.


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