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I'm probably going to appear ignorant for asking all this, but I'd like to know anyway. I want to start posting some more of my work. I haven't done so in the past because I was a little unclear of where to put certain things.

I understand that first and foremost this is a scrolling site. Duh! Hence the name scrollsaw village. However, because of the names of different sections, I also know that other woodworking topics are allowed. That being said, I do a lot of different things and some of the thing I want to post may or may not be of interest here. I don't know, thus the reason for this post.

I've already been told that some of my future work would be of interest, however, I need to know how much and where to post.

The hope type chest I plan to build in the future I know would be considered "other work", but would a WIP be of interest and if so, do I post that in the other works section too, or in the WIP section? Also, the completed chest, other works or bragging rights?

Tonight, I have to start on a custom order of 48 photo frames of different sizes and styles. Would that be of interest? If so, where does that belong since some people wish to make their own frames for portraits, other works or general scrolling? If it's other works, same question as on the chest, would a WIP be desired? And would the WIP be put in WIP section or other works?

I also do work from time to time that does require scrolling, but only on a portion of the project. Where do I place such works?

All these questions may seem redundant to some, but I'd really like to find out the opinion of the folks running the site, like Travis. I have a lot more I'd like to share, but only if it is not unwanted. I personally feel that WIPs of some of my other works would be of interest to others, but I may be wrong. If I'm to start sharing all this though, I wish to make sure it makes it in the right section as not to annoy others, especially site management.


My last question is also a dumb one. How much problem is it if the coffee house is open to simply idle chat. For example, I sometimes just get overwhelmed with something that I want to vent and I feel that others here may have similar problems they'd jump in on. For instance, the other day, my teenage boys got my goat so bad that I needed to vent. I typed up a lengthy post here on the village in the coffee house section. I woulnd up deleting it without posting it though. I didn't want to use the site for unwaranted purposes. I wasn't sure about this because I don't know how clutter may effect the site. I didn't know if we started doing that sort of thing if there was bandwidth limitations that would come into play or anything like that.


While some of this may seem stupid, I was always taught that the only stupid questions were the ones never asked. Therefore, I welcome any comments or answers. Thank you.


No worries. I look forward to seeing the hope chest WIP. Basically, any kind of WIP thread that isn't specifically about scroll sawing should be in the Other Woodworks. We have a few pyrography WIP threads already there and a couple of furniture ones. Frames would work well in the Other Woodworks forum too.


For finished projects, you can either post them in the Other Woodworks or Bragging Rights. Bragging Rights is open for anything, including other forms of woodworking, new grandkid, or to show off your new tools. There have been folks who have posted their finished turnings in the Other Woodworks forum too. So it is really up to you.


The Coffee House is open for everything (except politics, religion, and anything non-family friendly.). You can talk about whatever you want in there. Share a joke you just heard, complain about the never-ending honey-do list, or just something funny you saw on the way to work. Pretty much anything goes. It's just general chit chat.


I hope this answers your questions. Let me know if I missed something. :cool:

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