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Looks great and I am sure your sister and her students will be thrilled with them. I'm guessing but is the blade entry hole at the point where the body and the wing meet on the bottom side of the wing? Thanks for showing.  giving this a try is on my long list.

16 hours ago, Gonzo said:

A Steve Goode pattern. In the original pattern, the dove is just cut out. I thought I'd do an inlay. First picture is inlay. Second picture is finished  piece. Walnut on maple, using FD UR3 blade. Spray shellac for finish.  I might have to take some steel wool to them to knock down the gloss. My sister asked me to make six of them for her Confirmation students. Thanks to Trackman for blade recommendation and to Hotshot for tutorial. (Can you find the blade entrance hole in the in-lay?)

Doing inlay is a lot of fun, looking forward to doing more. 



I'd love to hang that on my wall of fame if i could do one!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh boy you mastered that real fast.  How many times did you practise before you were confident of a good outcome?  Your sister and her students will be blown away with your work.


On January 22, 2018 at 7:34 AM, meflick said:

Looks great and I am sure your sister and her students will be thrilled with them. I'm guessing but is the blade entry hole at the point where the body and the wing meet on the bottom side of the wing? Thanks for showing.  giving this a try is on my long list.


16 hours ago, wombatie said:

Oh boy you mastered that real fast.  How many times did you practise before you were confident of a good outcome?  Your sister and her students will be blown away with your work.


Mastered?  Thanks, but far from it. I just got lucky. Believe it or not, I hot glued two pieces of 1/4 scrap to each other, set the saw to 2 degrees, cut out an oval.  It worked. Piece of cake, right?  Except,  when it came time to cutting the real thing.  I was pretty nervous cutting each one. The neat thing is, it opened a whloe new avenue with the scroll saw for me.  

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