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Has anyone tried painting plexiglass, and if so what paint holds up the best, or is it better to use stain glass paint. Colored plexiglass is expensive, and just looking for a cheaper way. Any suggestions welcomed. Edward


I've never tried painting it. I'm guessing paint used for glass would work the best. You could try spraypainting the backside of the plexiglass (probably after its cut) and seeing how that looks. Since spraypaint typically has an even distribution, I bet it would look pretty good, depending on the project.


It's been a while since I came here, had a computer problem, but I Googled this topic. I found that artists are using plexi to do reverse painting and they use acrylic paints. Another site, a fish site, stated this "I'd use Krylon Fusion instead of automotive paint. The stuff sticks nicely to patio furniture so it should stick" Hope this is of some help, I've never tried it BUT I have just bought my first blades to cut plexi, should be fun!!



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