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2 minutes ago, new2woodwrk said:

Ok Thanks - what if it was $200?

Probably not a bad deal but the overall design has to be different so it might not be as vibration free. You might want to wait for the more learned folks to chime in. I am trying to find some info on the different models and model years. I have seen a few of the older types for sale but they don't seem to sell.




It is old, looks to be in good condition.  You probably would not be able to get some of the parts for it anymore, i.e., that motor and the linking in the arms,,, don't make 19" anymore.  However if it runs good, it should last a long time.  For $200, ya you could get $200 worth of work out of it.  The blade clamps are the part of the machine that maybe is replaced most often, if the modern ones would fit it,, You could call Seyco and ask.


Paul, what do you know about the difference in operation? I see these older ones run the lower arm and the new one run both upper and lower arms. I would think that old design would make for more vibration like the older Deltas.



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