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Very nice cutting Tony,What blades did you use and how big was the project.When your inspired to do something they tend to look even nicer than antisapated.Great cutting .Sue doe's a fine job patterning for us and in all topics and varietys.Your mom would be proud to see it and i'm sure she was watching you cut it .thanks for the close -up as i tend to look a projects at about 400 power.Thats me.I like to contemplate whats going to happen before i get to the corner or on a long straight run. It's alot like driveing down the road looking through your eyes.Great job tony. :)


i used no.2 blades,

i do a lot of potraits and all i use are no.2 spirals,but for a change i used normal blades,which i found hard too master after a long spell on the spirals,but we got there.i did use the spiirals for some of the lines on the angel.

the whole piece took a lot longer than normal,on account of my blade change.one mistake i made was i sanded too much on the overlay,if you look closly you can see i sanded through some of the veneer in places

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