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licHere are a couple of the projects I've cut out of acrylic. The dragon is one of Dirk Bohlman's patterns and I believe the tiger came out of one of Judy Gale Roberts' books. The backer on the dragon is 3/8" baltic birch painted an egg plant purple. Not sure why the picture is so dark but it caused the backer to look black. The backer on the tiger is 1/8" baltic birch.


BRETT,they are really nice,how thick was the acrylic and what blades did you use i can't wait to cut some acrylic if there going to look that good.How'd you keep the acrylic from fuseing back together again from the heat .Great cuttings nice and smooth too. :)


Thanks all for the compliments.


The tiger is framed in an 8x10 frame. It was my first acrylic piece and just kind of happened as my wife volunteered me to make something for a raffle at her school. At the time, the school she was at was the Tigers and their colors were blue and white. I happened to find the pattern and was able to find a blue spray paint that was their color so it worked out perfectly.


The dragon is probably about 13" x 14" measuring the backer. I did that because I really like dragons and I had some marble acrylic I wanted to use. I thought the marble effect would really make the scales shimmer.

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