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The Beatles 3D


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Chris, I like the cutting, but I don't much care for the American flag in the background. Seeing as how they were such a famous British group, I think that is the flag that should be in the background. I have no issue with the U.S. flag, but I just don't think it's the one to use as a backing for this cutting. Yes, I understand it was the U.S. invasion of the Beatles, but they were still British. 


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5 hours ago, Lucky2 said:

Chris, I like the cutting, but I don't much care for the American flag in the background. Seeing as how they were such a famous British group, I think that is the flag that should be in the background. I have no issue with the U.S. flag, but I just don't think it's the one to use as a backing for this cutting. Yes, I understand it was the U.S. invasion of the Beatles, but they were still British. 


here is the original photo. the cropped version was part of a calendar i bought for 3Ds.


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Okay Chris, so using Old Glory wasn't your idea, I'm sorry for  blaming the idea on you. And even though it was taken from a famous photo, I still don't think it looks right to use it for The Beatles. With them being such a famous band from the U.K., I think the only flag that should be seen behind them should be the Union Jack. But that's just me, to me the American flag behind them like that, makes it look as if they're from the States.


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