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Posted (edited)

That looks like a great seller - I really like that!

I'm going to guess how you did it - feel free to correct me if you want to share.

Forstner bit on the ball, insert clock, cut and rout base, drill hole, cut tee to size and glue tee to hole, glue ball to tee

Maybe not in that order

Am I close?

Edited by new2woodwrk

Hey Jim that came out great. Your welcome and glad to be of help. See I knew you could do it. Yes getting the right golf ball is key. They are good sellers because many people golf these days. Now if you have a golf center near you they usually have old glub heads that they repair. May not hurt to ask if they would be willing to make a deal. Many ideas you can do with that theme. I am working on a golfers pen. and a stand for it. Thanks for showing.

21 hours ago, new2woodwrk said:

That looks like a great seller - I really like that!

I'm going to guess how you did it - feel free to correct me if you want to share.

Forstner bit on the ball, insert clock, cut and rout base, drill hole, cut tee to size and glue tee to hole, glue ball to tee

Maybe not in that order

Am I close?

Yes.  I do not have a band saw, which is what JT said he used, so I had to work around that limitation, centering the forestner bit is the key thing, I got lucky and thought that through from the start.


That sure is a neat idea. And one has to be careful to use a solid core ball. some of them have a liquid middle and shoots all over the place when you drill into them. Quite the mess when that happens. (Big smile)

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