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I was on another site for scroll sawing and they had a link to a site with a design for a Dremel Router Table. I decided it was just too good not to make. I was always using my Dremel Drill Press to use the router bits and it was just a pain and it was easy to slip up when feeding the piece in and then it would gouge it. So I took the plans and modified somethings I didn't like and here is what I finished with. It works great and is much easier to use then my previous method and safer too. I cut all the pieces on the scroll saw. I bolted it directly to my work bench I didn't like the clamp method they used.


Here is the original site with the plans:

http://www.woodmagazine.com/woodworking ... ter-table/


And here are the pcitures of the modified table.


Hello JIM I, I like the simple clamping style you came up with.I have never wanted to use a dremil as a router simpley because dremils are very delicate light use tools.I only burnt out two in a quick second.Once because the locking mechanism button to change bits was stuck .So when i turned it on, the motor was locked and before i could turn it off the dremil was cooked.And then the second time was cutting a piece of flexable floor tile .I could'nt imagine the dremil cutting wood with a router bit,maybe cutting balsa wood with the router bit ,but i've never tryed it . whats your experience with it cutting wood and what kind of wood and which router bit.thanks.this is going to be much needed info as i'd like to rout edges on some of my work. :)What kind of scroll saw it that in the picture?

Hello JIM I, I like the simple clamping style you came up with.I have never wanted to use a dremil as a router simpley because dremils are very delicate light use tools.I only burnt out two in a quick second.Once because the locking mechanism button to change bits was stuck .So when i turned it on, the motor was locked and before i could turn it off the dremil was cooked.And then the second time was cutting a piece of flexable floor tile .I could'nt imagine the dremil cutting wood with a router bit,maybe cutting balsa wood with the router bit ,but i've never tryed it . whats your experience with it cutting wood and what kind of wood and which router bit.thanks.this is going to be much needed info as i'd like to rout edges on some of my work. :)What kind of scroll saw it that in the picture?


I've been using it as a router to round the edges on most of my work. I mostly use the round over bit (615) and it is not removing much wood just a tiny amount and the trick is to crank the RPM's up to max. The round over bit only makes a 1/8" cut. I don't even hear RPM's change when routing. I've also used the piloted beading router bit (612) for bases. The hardest wood I've routed is oak and it did not even strain the dremel. I've attached a picture of a name plate where I used the 612 bit the piloted round over bit. That base is only 1/2 thick and it is oak. You can see how little wood has been removed and it is not even hard on the dremel.


Yes my scroll saw. It is a Craftsman 16". It looks strange because I removed the sheet metal covers from the sides. It makes cleaning and lubing it easier.


Hi Guy's you might like this site www.TomWalden.name

Especially the June 2008 drill press review.. He makes doll furniture and shapes them with his Dremel in a drill stand. I am working on converting my stand to try his tecniques out.. Just for the record....the old stands don't fit the NEW Dremels.. I hope that website I posted works for you...It is very interesting if you are into miniture routing wood..


Regards Doug

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