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Posted (edited)
Greetings scrollers!  ......is that correct....scrollers?
Justdraftn.  Front range of the Colorado Rockies.
I have at least.....maybe 6hrs of experience w/a scroll saw under my belt.

It WAS a Wen 3920.  It only took me that long to realize that if I was going to
do this, I had to have a real saw.  It was sent back.  Delta 40-694 will be arriving Wed.
Much better reviews here and else where.

So.....why scrolling?  I'm a band saw guy.  I make band saw boxes.  Current works.
 My  lastest projects are puzzle boxes.  Inside the puzzle boxes are very intricate hidden drawers.
These come down to some pretty delicate work.  Even the 1/8" blade on my band saw is too big.....
so....me thinks scroll saw.  The 2" cutting depth on a scroll saw should be big enough for this
work.  I can just make the hidden drawers to fit the work on the scroll saw.
Off to the library....remember libraries?.......for books on scrolling.  Found plenty. 
So new ideas for adding some pizzazz to my boxes.  Cut out the scroll pieces and attach them to the boxes. 
It will also make creating handles for the box drawers much easier.
With the band saw I have the capability to size wood to anything I need.
Can not wait to get into some of the projects I found in the books. 

Me......  Grew up 3rd hand helper to a carpenter /cabinet maker. 
Appreciate fine tools and what can be done w/them.
Quit college to go look for adventure in Alaska.  Found it. 
Worked construction for 11yrs before stumbling back into school.  Came out w/a degree in computer
electronics.....actually solid state physics.  Provided me w/a 35yr career in IT support of all kinds. 
Semi-retired in April last year.  4 1/2 day weekend every week. 
I have a basement shop where all the fine work gets done. 
If I'm not in my shop you will find me in my garden or out
on my bike.  Skinny tire.  Fast and far.

Looking around the site, have found plenty already to stimulate the gray cells.
Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome.
Edited by justdraftn
stray pic
4 hours ago, justdraftn said:
Greetings scrollers!  ......is that correct....scrollers?
Justdraftn.  Front range of the Colorado Rockies.
I have at least.....maybe 6hrs of experience w/a scroll saw under my belt.

It WAS a Wen 3920.  It only took me that long to realize that if I was going to
do this, I had to have a real saw.  It was sent back.  Delta 40-694 will be arriving Wed.
Much better reviews here and else where.

So.....why scrolling?  I'm a band saw guy.  I make band saw boxes.  Current works.
 My  lastest projects are puzzle boxes.  Inside the puzzle boxes are very intricate hidden drawers.
These come down to some pretty delicate work.  Even the 1/8" blade on my band saw is too big.....
so....me thinks scroll saw.  The 2" cutting depth on a scroll saw should be big enough for this
work.  I can just make the hidden drawers to fit the work on the scroll saw.
Off to the library....remember libraries?.......for books on scrolling.  Found plenty. 
So new ideas for adding some pizzazz to my boxes.  Cut out the scroll pieces and attach them to the boxes. 
It will also make creating handles for the box drawers much easier.
With the band saw I have the capability to size wood to anything I need.
Can not wait to get into some of the projects I found in the books. 

Me......  Grew up 3rd hand helper to a carpenter /cabinet maker. 
Appreciate fine tools and what can be done w/them.
Quit college to go look for adventure in Alaska.  Found it. 
Worked construction for 11yrs before stumbling back into school.  Came out w/a degree in computer
electronics.....actually solid state physics.  Provided me w/a 35yr career in IT support of all kinds. 
Semi-retired in April last year.  4 1/2 day weekend every week. 
I have a basement shop where all the fine work gets done. 
If I'm not in my shop you will find me in my garden or out
on my bike.  Skinny tire.  Fast and far.

Looking around the site, have found plenty already to stimulate the gray cells.
Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome.

Glad you found us,keep coming back and be a regular!


Welcome to the Village from East Tennessee, in the foothills of the a great Smoky Mountains. Good luck with your new saw. I look forward to seeing what you are doing. I love the idea and visuals of bandsaw boxes. One day I will attempt one perhaps.


Thanks! everyone for the welcome.   :cool:
After looking around a bit.....
I may have to consider full time retirement.
I found some really cool patterns to add to  my
boxes.  Maybe it is a good  thing I don't have a saw yet....
reading the books from the library, reading  here and
videos on the internet......getting a good education.
I was going to build a new stand for the planer.......
that will have to wait....need a stand for the scroll saw now.
I'll see you on the road.

8 hours ago, wombatie said:

Welcome to the Village.  I normally say pull up a chair and make yourself at home but it seems that you already have.  ;)  How long have you been making band saw boxes?


  :lol:  Thanks!

1 hour ago, Scrolling Steve said:

Welcome to the Village !......Love the boxes...what band saw do you have and what size blade do you use most ?...I want to learn how to do those !

Thanks!  I have been putzing w/band saw boxes off and on for  years.  Just really got serious once I got the new saw.

Laguna 14/Twelve.  It is an incredible machine.  As opposed to older saws that use thrust bearings for blade control 

the Laguna uses ceramic guides. Two side guides and a back guide, both top and bottom.

Most things I have used a 1/4" blade.  I have just started using an 1/8" blade.  The Laguna  has special guides for this smaller blade.

It uses phenolic resin rods for blade guides.  They are set directly against the blade and teeth.  The teeth cut a path through the resin

without being dulled.  bandsaw-mini-guides.thumb.jpg.592cb9e6687de8b04699684a07a34505.jpg

I love playing w/this saw.  It will take up to a 3/4" blade for resawing.  I have only used a 1/2" blade so far and

it works fine.  I have cut old seasoned oak 6" thick.  It eats it up like butter.


Welcome from Southern Arizona where it is in the mid 70's here. I have always  enjoyed looking at the band saw boxes and now because you are with us, I should have some opportunities to see a lot more of them. Glad you found us and logged on



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