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Hi from St. Louis!

I began scrolling in late 2009.  A few years back I burned out.  As my skills increased, so did the difficulty of my projects - and the time it took to complete them.  But birthdays and Christmas kept coming at the same speed and time at the saw became more like work than fun because there was always a deadline.  So I stopped.  Halfway through a project I just up and stopped.  I still have the pieces though, lol.  I've done a couple of small things here and there, but very little.

This spring I really want to get started again.  My saw is in the garage so warmer is better - at least until warm turns into hot.  I imagine it will take a while to knock the rust off.  My rust.  There's no rust on the saw.  I make sure to keep it waxed, even if I am not using it.  I saw my first robin of spring last week, so I am ready when the weather breaks for the better. 

I like fretwork the most.  Well, I did then.  I don't know what will grab me this time but I have downloaded a nice wolf pattern from the library.  I might take a whack at that.  It'd be really hard to tell where I go outside the lines anyway and I am sure I will be doing that for a while until I get the knack back.

Thanks for having me back.


Welcome back... I went thru the same thing a few years back, when I returned is when I decided that I would do the projects that interested me, not for some other reason that set a deadline, that's when it's no longer fun !

So Pick the projects that catch your eye and no timeline....




Wlcome Back!
Hope to see some of your projects later today or early tomorrow.
No pressure, just a few projects at a time. (Grin - just kidding)

Show us some items you do as you get back into a nice, relaxed hobby for fun.

God Bless! Spirithorse


Welcome back to making sawdust with the scroll saw!!

Burnout has an insidious way of creeping into pretty much any activity that you perceive as always needing to be done now ..... even into retirement .....

..... always thought there was no such thing as retirement ..... only a changing of gears ..... but ..... I got to learn the hard way that if you really want to honour your own retirement years you need to be the one with your hand on the gearshift.

For me that meant understanding that there is a bit of a distinction between "working at the saw" and "playing at the saw" - took me a while to figure that out - but once the meaning of the term "hobby" hit home then my life at the scrollsaw became pretty enjoyable - on a daily basis that meant the minute it feels like work is the end of another day .....

..... in my own practical terms this has become going out to the Shed about noon(ish) every day and coming in at exactly 4 - then toasting the retired life with my wife and a daily Martini .....

The other important point? - work only with a project list that is not time oriented - and for those who would like to pressure you with deadlines? - well - you'll need to tell them that "your project" ...... unfortunately .....  is not likely to get looked at for about a year and a half ...... I'll call you when I can get at it .....





Thanks for the warm welcome and the tips. 

I think most family and friends are not expecting things from me.  I broke that mold with all this time off.  Heck, I made that mold myself too so I know what to avoid.  I'm still a short ways from retirement so my time will be limited. I am to the point where I miss having the ballgame on the radio and me just getting into that zone of focus when the time flies by like nothing.

No telling what my new work will look like for a while.  I've been piling things up in the "shop" so I need to clean up the space and check the supplies.  Still pretty nippy out there most days too.  Here's a pic of what I'd probably call my pride and joy from earlier:


Small Williamette.JPG


Nice clock Becky. I'm sure you have lots of hours in it. I always set aside some small simple projects so if I start feeling burned out I can do something different. 

I forgot to ask, were you a member here before your hiatus? 


Thanks.  I was a member here but didn't post much. 

No plans to take on another project like that anytime soon, trust me.  It's just probably the best thing I ever made so I was bragging a little.  :)


Hi Becky welcome back to scrolling and welcome to the Village.  Slow and steady wins the race.  That was a great looking clock you made there, maybe its time to just cut some Christmas decorations, a nice ease back into it.  Whatever you do I hope you enjoy it.



On 3/16/2018 at 7:16 PM, BeckyLil said:

Thanks for the warm welcome and the tips. 

I think most family and friends are not expecting things from me.  I broke that mold with all this time off.  Heck, I made that mold myself too so I know what to avoid.  I'm still a short ways from retirement so my time will be limited. I am to the point where I miss having the ballgame on the radio and me just getting into that zone of focus when the time flies by like nothing.

No telling what my new work will look like for a while.  I've been piling things up in the "shop" so I need to clean up the space and check the supplies.  Still pretty nippy out there most days too.  Here's a pic of what I'd probably call my pride and joy from earlier:


Small Williamette.JPG

welcome friend,be a regular just to catch up on do's an don't's.Everyone opinions are welcome see you soon.I love clock builders!



   Welcome back to the Village. It is just always getting better. Some people come and go and thankfully we have the ones like you that remember it is a worthwhile place to leisure in. I decided early on in my scrolling that I was not going to do craft shows or put any pieces into shops or vineyards, and I have been invited to do so many times. the reason is because I could see early on that making things to sell would  turn a fun thing, I truly enjoy, into a work thing, and soon I would become bored with it and I never want this to happen. I did open a Facebook page but I do not post to it very often. I use the sales I make to buy my supplies. I still love scrolling after more then 8 years of doing so and I believe it is because of my early decisions to not do craft shows. Glad you are going to get back into scrolling again, I like you, enjoy fret work the most. Oh, and your clock is beautiful. The kind of things I enjoy doing the most



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