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Not at all... The glue joint if done properly is stronger than the actual wood.. which is why many use plywood for thin and fragile items.. 

Many things we buy for our homes have been glued.. tables, desk, cutting boards etc etc etc... so a small piece breaks.. glue it..

Now... with that said.. I won't sell a piece that the glue joint is obvious... most everything I've had break.. once glued. I could never find where it was... Ie if one piece out of a stacked cut broke and I glue it up and once they are all sanded / finished etc.. even though I know where the piece was broken. many times I cannot tell which one was the broken one.. and if i cannot find it among the others. then I guess I have no reason to worry about it ..   

Posted (edited)











Just wondering if you can imagine a scenario like this?   Seller:   " Yes a heck of a lot of work went into this piece but I broke the dam thing!   You don't have to worry though I used some super duper glue and hell it's stronger now than before I broke it."   Customer:   "You've got to be kidding!!!" 

Just couldn't help myself. LOL







Edited by stoney

If I've broken a piece and glued it in a way that is not noticeable then the story is over - breakage is not common but neither is it unexpected when it occurs - but if the piece shatters and is not able to be repaired in a way that protects the integrity of the finished piece then it is a "second" - most often a give-away that is identified as a "second" - seems to work fine.

Where I have a bigger problem is where my own cutting is not up to the standard that I  have set for myself - I have one larger piece that just didn't turn out as I expected - lots of hours and lots of cutting - custom frame on it - fully finished - no mistakes at all - but the end product just didn't turn out to my satisfaction - I feel it is not a good sampling of my work and I really don't want it out there even as a second - so it has sat in my basement I think for about 3 years now maybe even 4 ..... designer firewood some day - but haven't been able to bring myself to toss it in the flames yet ..... wife thinks I'm nuts ......



1 hour ago, RangerJay said:

If I've broken a piece and glued it in a way that is not noticeable then the story is over - breakage is not common but neither is it unexpected when it occurs - but if the piece shatters and is not able to be repaired in a way that protects the integrity of the finished piece then it is a "second" - most often a give-away that is identified as a "second" - seems to work fine.

Where I have a bigger problem is where my own cutting is not up to the standard that I  have set for myself - I have one larger piece that just didn't turn out as I expected - lots of hours and lots of cutting - custom frame on it - fully finished - no mistakes at all - but the end product just didn't turn out to my satisfaction - I feel it is not a good sampling of my work and I really don't want it out there even as a second - so it has sat in my basement I think for about 3 years now maybe even 4 ..... designer firewood some day - but haven't been able to bring myself to toss it in the flames yet ..... wife thinks I'm nuts ......



Now the second part of this thread is one I can relate to. I have a piece right now and is probably 10 years old that took plenty of time to cut and I used red oak plywood because the piece is large. I combined some figured maple for some of the overlays. I stained the background a darker stain thinking the maple would pop. Then I cut stained glass for the boarders. Made a rosewood frame. Bought stained glass for the background to show through the frets. Put it together and it just did not look right. Can not put my finger on it so I took them apart and now all the pieces sit there somewhere in the shop collecting dust. Just one of those pieces but there is a ton of time in this and I actually made two of them. My most disappointing piece. This was a Dirk Boelman pattern. I have many of his patterns that I was to do and ones I have done. Here was the pattern I talked about. http://theartfactory.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/121.jpg

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