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On 4/4/2018 at 3:18 PM, new2woodwrk said:

Ok then - here goes...

It's not pretty and one thing I would like is a real shop. It gets kind of cramped at times and I try to keep it clean by putting things away at the end of each session so I can start the next session with everything where it belongs.

Unfortunately, the wife is now in the shop and she just can't get the hang of putting things away at the end of each session. I built all the carts and work benches as well as all the jigs.

Hope this isn't too many pics, so here goes:

Outside looking in - what  a mess

To the left are my drip boxes and extra table set up - in the back is my 8' work bench


Cleat wall - Tools, tool box, stationary work bench


Used to be my layout table until I got into scrolling - now it's a scroll table LOL Delta saw in front and Wen behind it.

Against the wall is the wifes work bench I made for her


Big HF dust control in corner - hiding behind the scrap buckets - table saw on the left


Setup a centipede table now for layout and framing


Chemical and stain cabinet - repurposed it from a bookcase made in the only woodworking class I've taken


Miter station - I hardly use it anymore


Clamp Wall - I make my own pipe clamps


Look back - Skil 9" band saw, grinder, HF disc sander and new Wen drill press you can't see


That's enough I think

Wish I had room to spread out

Can't wait to see everyone else...

I was looking at your centipede table and I'm wondering what holds the plywood to the stand. Can you explain? I think that might be a welcome addition to my little shop. I work out on our driveway and it's a hassle to set up sawhorses. This looks like a great idea.



Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, octoolguy said:

I was looking at your centipede table and I'm wondering what holds the plywood to the stand. Can you explain? I think that might be a welcome addition to my little shop. I work out on our driveway and it's a hassle to set up sawhorses. This looks like a great idea.




It comes with these push lock downs that I am not using because the plywood sheet I'm using wasn't cut to size - it's a bit small but works for my needs.

The centipede comes in 2 sizes 2x4 which is the one you see setup and a 4 x8 which I have set up outside in my back yard.

Take a look at this link https://www.amazon.com/Centipede-Tool-K200-Expandable-Portable/dp/B00LSQK65O

Look on the left side for the video and you can see how they set it up.

Here's a youtube video as well

It's actually a lot stronger than you'd think it would be - I've had as much as 200 lbs on the small one - which was me LOL

Edited by new2woodwrk
1 hour ago, new2woodwrk said:


It comes with these push lock downs that I am not using because the plywood sheet I'm using wasn't cut to size - it's a bit small but works for my needs.

The centipede comes in 2 sizes 2x4 which is the one you see setup and a 4 x8 which I have set up outside in my back yard.

Take a look at this link https://www.amazon.com/Centipede-Tool-K200-Expandable-Portable/dp/B00LSQK65O

Look on the left side for the video and you can see how they set it up.

Here's a youtube video as well

It's actually a lot stronger than you'd think it would be - I've had as much as 200 lbs on the small one - which was me LOL

I'm 6' 1" and 225. I hope to be able to sleep on it when I'm in the doghouse. Which is happening more often that I like.



On 4/5/2018 at 6:31 PM, Woodmaster1 said:

So far the shops look less cluttered than mine. Hoping to post some pics tomorrow. I have to cleanup a little. I spent about an hour fixing the heater. It turned out to be a dirty heat sensor. A little sand paper and furnace was up and running. The house furnace had the same problem but not ever working on it called the repair guy cost me $122.00 next time it will be free. 

Just a quick note about furnaces. I know most folks already know this but I had to find out on my own so I'm sharing. Every year when it turns cold enough here to warrant using the furnace, I vacuum out all the ducts and clean out the furnace filter before lighting it off. I did all that and then bumped the thermostat up to call up the furnace. It tried to light. It actually did light but with a very weak flame and not hard enough to open the gas valve all the way. Anyway, after watching a couple of youtube videos, I jumped in and took the furnace apart. What I found down deep in the gas valve inside the actual gas jet, a tiny spider had spun it's web and was restricting the flow of gas so the flame was too small to get the valve to open all the way and the flame would go out. So after cleaning out the web, I tried it again and it fired off and stayed lit. I learned something that will save me money in the future. I hope this is news to some who might have to call out the repair guy.



On 4/5/2018 at 8:00 PM, Rockytime said:

Hi Jim, The small band saw is a 9" Horrible Fright saw. For the cheap price it serves me well It is the one I use all the time. Size is the limiter. I have made a small sled and use it for cutting pen blanks as well cutting out wood for smaller scrolling projects. If I were to buy it again I would want the steel bed. Mine is aluminum and the demo at HF is steel. The Craftsman is an old 12". Fortunately it is in perfect shape and one of the finer things Craftsman made. I bought it on CL for $100, a real bargain. If I were to have only one and did not mind the size limitation of 10" I would look at the 10" Rikon. I do not have one but it has an excellent reputation. I would certainly consider it over most all the other cheap brands like Ryobi, Wen, and others. I have no problem with others it is just that Rikon has excellent customer service and makes a quality product. My HF has done well so far but I would perhaps not buy another.

I have a neighbor who is truly short of shop space. He has the Rikon and loves it. I have to help him tune it up the first time but once we did that, it has served him well. Unfortunately, we are going to lose him one of these days in the not too distant future. Old age sucks.



On 4/6/2018 at 8:46 AM, Fish said:

You folks have some nice work shops!  Here’s my half of the garage.  It’s Heaven compared to my last one.  It’s a mess right now ( usually ).  I still have a lot of my work I’ve completed.  Band saw, my new scroll saw, spindle sander, table saw and a lot of wood.  I have a hard time throwing anything away.   My wife gets the other half if the garage once in awhile when I pick things up. Also I have the best shop monitor you could ever have. 









Your "shop monitor" has the sweetest face I've seen in a very long time. We all need one like this.



On 4/6/2018 at 10:25 AM, trackman said:

One thing I have noticed (maybe someone else has pointed this out) none of the shop pictures look anything like the ones we see on TV LOL.  These are true working shops.  Not a lot I can add to what the pictures show of mine.   Behind the Jet Air Filter you may be able to see a red dot.  That is a reflection in a mirror so I can tell the setting of the system speed and time to run.  Where you see the air compressor you can see a hose going into the cabinet that is were the shop vac is.  It runs when the scroll saw does and I use it for the chop saw and bench sanders.  The tool turn table I got at an auction for $10 great buy.    PS thinks for the pictures of your shops, maybe get my wife off my back about mine not looking like the TV guys LOL

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That tool turntable that you "stole" for $10, there has been one on C/L for the last 3 months and the guy is trying to get $500 for it. You got a great deal. I don't have room for anything like that but it sure would be a great addition to a shop with more space than mine.




On page 4 of this thread I posted pics of my shop but promised I provide additional pics and info. Sorry it took so long.


Anyway when my kids left home for the final time my wife said I could have my daughters bedroom if I remodeled the family room. Thus I picked up this area which I try to use as a "clean room". In other words I keep most of the cutting and sanding in the other half of the shop. This addition space is 17 x 9. And unlike the other section I've kept the area by the window clear and place the box fan in the window when I'm spraying a finish. It works pretty well. The other main function is to stage and layout stock before milling or whatever.


And I've added a couple of pics from my cutting table in the garage. I'm posting these because cutting sheet goods is often an issue for the hobby woodworker. I've used various methods over the years but this is my go-to method. I always cut sheet goods to a more manageable size before they enter the house. The table is two wood saw horses and 4 - 8ft 2 x 4's made into a grid pattern. I've used it for years. It comes apart and stands in a corner when not in use. 4 x 8 sheets come home in the van and slide out onto the table to be cut. I've painted the pieces orange just so I don't grab one and use it for whatever by mistake. I also painted layout marks on the floor so it's easier to position the saw horses when setting up. These days I use a Makita track saw for this but for years I used a B&D circular saw and a home made guide, which has been moved to my son's shop.

The only thing I haven't taken pictures of is the wood storage areas in the garage.

Thanks for looking.


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NS 888.JPG

cutting table 085.jpg

cutting table 086.jpg

cutting table 088.jpg


Really like the shop and especially the wood storage unit. Built  similar one recently. Very useful. I also have a similar wood gear clock. Got the plans for Holtzmechanic. Germany. Probably rebuilt it 20 times and replace most of the parts over the last 2 years. The best I have gotten is about a 2 hour run time. I keep wandering back to it when ever I need to step away from some scroll work. It's in my shop pictures between the 2 white cabinets. I use a French cleat so I can take it down on short notice for an "update". 

On 4/7/2018 at 2:28 PM, new2woodwrk said:

@Charlie E and @Woodmaster1

Thanks for sharing....

You both seem to have that Rigid spindle/belt sander - how do you guys like that thing? I've been considering purchasing that as it seems like a real space saver!

Jes, I bought one and love it. Home Depot gave me 24 month free financing, same as cash, How could I say no? Two tools in one is always a good thing.




My shop is not set up at all. I’ve actually got two cars in there and pushed all my woodwork tools etc back to one corner. Nothing hooked up or plugged in other than the scroll saws. 

I have my daughters old car 2000 Chevy Blazer ( before I got her the Jeep ) in here doing a wheel bearing and some other minor work. Will probably be my youngest sons car once he gets his license so sort of a father son fixer upper this summer. The other car is a race car my oldest son is building ( a 1984 Nissan 300zx ). He picked it up over the winter and I let him put it inside to work out of the weather on getting it to run. He did get it running but that was it. Been sitting ever since and I’m going to kick it out of my shop real soon.:) because with the warmer weather coming I will be setting my shop back up some. This whole shop was built as a wood shop. But when the ground prep was going on they chopped the power line to my other ( car shop ) and the old line wasn’t to code so we haven’t yet run a new power line to the other shop. Thankfully I don’t have a huge amount of woodshop tools yet and so we can work on our cars etc in here for now. 

One think nice about not yet perminently having the shop set up is. I’ve learned a little more about what I want to put where and what wiring / outlets etc I need. So this is all a work in progress. 

I normally use up one whole side where the blazer sits. But I needed to do some work on it and of coarse right after my son put that other car in, so I just moved everything back into the corner.

I’m still working to build some shelves and cabinets etc. We just put up this shop not long ago so basically work in progress. Shop is 24 x 32 with a 14 x 32 loft upstairs where I store my finished pieces and also where I finish my pieces etc. 









I used to wish for a four car garage allowing me to work on my cars. That was a longtime ago. Now I can scarcely bend over. I envy my son-in-law that does all his own auto work. My friend that completely restored his 1967 Caddy. You are fortunate not only to scroll successfully but have room to work on other projects like your cars.

1 hour ago, Woodmaster1 said:

Nice shop Kevin, 24x32 is still not enough room is it. I have 30x33 and still need more. I have to give up one bay for my wife's car during winter. I wish it would stay warm very soon so I can reclaim the whole garage.

Yeah, it could be twice as big.. I remember just a couple years ago before I put this shop up.. having all kinds of room when it was brand new and nothing in it yet ;).. I tried for the longest time to do all my automotive work in my other shop.. ( 24 x 24 ) which is where all the tools were.. But then when the power line got cut and the amount of money to repair it ( correctly ).. it got quite hard to work on cars with no lights and since i mainly did restorations in it.. the air compressor was kind of useless without the power, LOL.. This other shop is 200 foot from any where to tie into the power.. and the electric panel and wiring in it is older than dirt.. so I just use it for storage now.. lawn tractors etc..  Someday I may push the electric back to it.. but for now.. I just want to finish insulating and setting up the new shop.. Upstairs is all insulated etc..     

20 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

Yeah, it could be twice as big.. I remember just a couple years ago before I put this shop up.. having all kinds of room when it was brand new and nothing in it yet ;).. I tried for the longest time to do all my automotive work in my other shop.. ( 24 x 24 ) which is where all the tools were.. But then when the power line got cut and the amount of money to repair it ( correctly ).. it got quite hard to work on cars with no lights and since i mainly did restorations in it.. the air compressor was kind of useless without the power, LOL.. This other shop is 200 foot from any where to tie into the power.. and the electric panel and wiring in it is older than dirt.. so I just use it for storage now.. lawn tractors etc..  Someday I may push the electric back to it.. but for now.. I just want to finish insulating and setting up the new shop.. Upstairs is all insulated etc..     

I guess we need a couple of pics of your layout to envision what your problem is. I take it you are on acreage.



21 hours ago, octoolguy said:

I guess we need a couple of pics of your layout to envision what your problem is. I take it you are on acreage.



Yeah, I'm on 2 acres is all.. wish I had 10.. but this just so happens to be the home I grew up in.. when my father and step mother decided to downsize right at a time I got married and was looking for a home to buy. Had the place appraised and took out a mortgage for the price it was appraised at.. Day I signed the papers.. all heck broke loose.. well pump went out and a few other things.. found out how much my father rigged stuff up over the years, LOL That well pump plumbing was something else.. No kind of disconnects anywhere.. had to cut all the pipes and re-plumb the whole thing, LOL..    

I'll be 50 this year.. lived in this house all those years other than three months after I first got married while I was looking for a place.LOL

37 minutes ago, kmmcrafts said:

Yeah, I'm on 2 acres is all.. wish I had 10.. but this just so happens to be the home I grew up in.. when my father and step mother decided to downsize right at a time I got married and was looking for a home to buy. Had the place appraised and took out a mortgage for the price it was appraised at.. Day I signed the papers.. all heck broke loose.. well pump went out and a few other things.. found out how much my father rigged stuff up over the years, LOL That well pump plumbing was something else.. No kind of disconnects anywhere.. had to cut all the pipes and re-plumb the whole thing, LOL..    

I'll be 50 this year.. lived in this house all those years other than three months after I first got married while I was looking for a place.LOL

Geez, I have 3 kids older than you and one who is going to turn 48 this year. You are a young pup.



On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 10:57 AM, RangerJay said:

We built the garage 30 years ago ...... no car has ever seen the inside  ...... we now call it "The Shed" - upstairs attic is typical seasonal storage and lifetime junk, main floor is roughly 1/3 sauna and 2/3 workshop (grudgingly shared with the lawn tractor and its attachments) ......

The winter shot was taken a couple years ago.









You must have made a lot of items using Holly, as your saw dust pile out side your shop in the bottom photo is all white in color. Good thing you do not have big wind storms like we sometimes do in Arizona or you would have some angry neighbors. Biggest sawdust pile I have ever seen, out side of the old lumber mills of long ago. 



5 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

You must have made a lot of items using Holly, as your saw dust pile out side your shop in the bottom photo is all white in color. Good thing you do not have big wind storms like we sometimes do in Arizona or you would have some angry neighbors. Biggest sawdust pile I have ever seen, out side of the old lumber mills of long ago. 



LOL - what can I say - I use a lot of White Oak, White Pine, White Elm, White Spruce - guess it catches up to you over time  ......



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