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Greetings to everyone here from drought stricken Cape Town, South Africa.

I found this site while browsing for scroll saw blade prices.

I am a commercial artist ( in the old school sense ) but due to health problems had to stop working.

However this has led me into woodworking, something i only started in my very late thirties.

I swopped a old router for a new Marlett scroll saw, still cannot see the diff. between it and a Ryobi

but for the name stickers, and i have not looked back since.

Most of my work is MDF based with the occasional hardwood piece.

I will post a few pics of a wide range of work i have done.

Hope to be able to contribute to forums in the future.









Edited by whitehorse
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Welcome to our village David from the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains in Eastern section of the state of Tennessee in the USA.  Glad you found us.  Some beautiful work you have shared there.  Hope to see you participate with us. I would be happy to send you some of the rain we are presently having!

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