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Posted (edited)

I just received my Pegas Modified Geometry Sample pack of blades - 2/0, 1, 3, 5, 7 (missing coming later), 9, 12.

Under what circumstances exactly would one use these blades over the Reverse Skip blades I've been using for everything.

I'm trying to step outside of my comfort zone hoping to expand my abilities a bit and figured different blades would be a good way to start.

Thanks in advance

Edited by new2woodwrk

There are many variables when talking blades.. not only variables with blades but the saws set up too.. But generally speaking.. I use them on most everything i cut anymore.. I still use a lot of other styles of blades and saw set ups.. which is one reason I have several saws.. I mostly use the #3 and 5 for the things I make.. but on occasion I wish I had a few #1 and 7.. That said though... I have plenty of other style blades for those needs.. but when they run out I'll probably order some of the Pegas MG.. My next Pegas order is going to have some samples of their spirals.. Which reminds me.. I need to place an order soon..  


Have to agree with just about every thing  written. Pegas MG blades have negligible drift as compared to other blades and one has to be careful when changing brands for that hand/ eye coordination when cutting. But their aggressiveness can at time be troublesome in stopping the cut at the right moment in following the pattern. With Pegas, I'll slow down the speed to prevent that in comparison to an FD. So like Scott, I switch back and forth from Pegas and FD blades for the situation at hand. As to Pegas spirals, I butchered a few things with them with a lot of blade breakage. (Don't normally break blades). But this could be due to the fact that I was just trying out spirals for the first time. Will give another try when I do a few portraits waiting in the wings to cut.


Posted (edited)

I made the switch from Olson Mach Speed to Pegas Modified Geometry a few weeks ago and I won't go back.  The Pegas are amazing.  

Funny folks mention "drift".  I notice a slight drift when the blade I'm using starts to get dull and that's my warning it's time to put in a new blade.

Edited by Iguanadon
3 hours ago, ScollSaw Slasher said:

 As to Pegas spirals, I butchered a few things with them with a lot of blade breakage. (Don't normally break blades). But this could be due to the fact that I was just trying out spirals for the first time. Will give another try when I do a few portraits waiting in the wings to cut.


Spirals do tend to break easier and therefore you do end up with breaking blades.. That said.. probably much more so for the smaller of the spirals.. For some reason I cannot cut on my Hawk with spirals without breaking them often.. But my Dewalt I rarely break them.. But I do remember my first try at spirals.. I broke many of them..( don't remember what saw I used way back then so not sure it was user error or somewhat saw error )

I also flip all over the place with blade styles and brands from FD, Olsen, and Pegas... Don't use the Olsen much any more and almost exclusively use Pegas now...  but do keep a gross of FD around..


1 hour ago, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

never used them but is this the same type blade as the FD scroll reverse blade and the Olson precision ground blade??  These are blades that are not stamped but milled. 

I thought the FD scroll reverse blades was stamped but the ultra reverse was ground?  

The Olsen PGT blades are nice blades... BUT... they don't come in a very small size.. AND.. the smallest one (#5) would work for me in many cases IF.. they'd make the ends smaller.. it seems the ends on the PGT series blades are considerably larger than the actual blade portion.... 

FD ultra reverse blades are a great blade and was my main blade I used.. BUT.. they do have ( I think ) two teeth down and one up configuration.. they cut very fast and aggressive compared to a scroll reverse blade.. but those reversed teeth make for tougher turning and they tend to grab the wood.. if you're not on your toes ... you will be once it grabs the wood.. Just makes for having to hold the wood down better.. The Pegas MG blades are super smooth in turns.. and are a real quiet cutting blade compared to many others.. FD scroll reverse blades are a quiet and good cutting blade as well.. just they are stamped and have to be cut on that pesky angle, LOL... But I love to use them from time to time and keep them on hand.. dull much faster than the Ultra reverse... Pegas MG seem to last a really long time.. for me.. I think maybe 20-25% longer than the FD Ultra Reverse.. 

i've seen you mention many times about the FD Penguin Silver blade.. That's one blade I've never tried.. Years ago when I first tried the puzzles like Iggy makes.. I had a hard time with cutting the thick hard wood.. Someone told me to try the FD Polar blades.. I haven't found a use for those blades yet.. hated those blades... so yeah really blades is something that everyone has a different opinion on.. so I just say.. what I like and my experience is.. 

My next order of FD blades.. I plan to get a small pack of the blades like you use just for fun to see how I might like them... as you can see.. I'm not one that get's into a closed box with what I know is a good blade.. I like to try ALL my options.. I was skeptical that any blade could be better than the FD branded Ultra Reverse and scroll reverse blades.. The comfort of cutting and ease of turning sharp corners for me with the Pegas is very relaxing to cut... 


In reading your posts Kevin, you mentioned breakin' more spiral blades with your Hawk. I don't break them on mine. Matter of fact, I'll wear them out before I break one. I've learned that spiral blades have a mind of their own. Tension & speed are critical with spiral blades, imo. I'm not a high speed cutter, but if I HAVE to use spiral blades, my blade speed & tension increase a little bit. I get better life out of the blade, & they cut better.

I ain't able to say much about the pegasus blades. I have tried a few & weren't impressed. I own several saws for several reasons, one of them ain't to try out different blades. I keep blades in those saws that I use for their purpose. I have the Hawk with several blades loaded in different blade holders to try different blades. 

I believe that speed & type of blade for the project is the secret. I use mostly skip tooth & polar blades. They serve me well, & the polar blades cut best in most of the projects I cut. They work extremely well cutting my feathers, head dresses in my Native American projects, & where I've found them useful to is cuttin' the teeth, ears, eyes, etc., in my wolf & animal projects. Blade conversation can get opinionated quick. Every sawyer has their own preference of blades, & saw set up. It's all in what works for the one at the saw.

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