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My 220VS Hawk Ultra is up and running. How sweet. Smooooth as a baby's bottom. I have the motor and new controller installed. I installed a blade and set the tension and gave it the smoke test. It cuts! I did not realize how much larger it was than the 216 until they were side by side. The stand is about the same size but the scrolling portion is so much bigger. Now when sitting on my stool my nose is at the blade. I'll have to get a taller stool or only exhale when I saw. I'll have to hurry and finish my DC so I can inhale again. The 16" did everything I would ever do but the front tension release is so nice. I suppose I'll sell the 16" as I have no room or use for two saws.


Glad to hear you got it all sorted out and running.. That tension lever at the front of the saw is a must have in my opinion... especially in doing fretwork cutting..

Make sure you don't have leg extensions on the stand.. as Hawk does have a adjustable leg extension accessory kit to make the stands taller.. But if I remember correctly.. you had a homemade stand for your other one as it was made for a shopmaster? or whatever it's called..  


happy to hear you are up & runnin', Rocky! Another happy member of the Hawk family is always awesome to hear from! The 220VS is taller, as most of the Hawks. Like Kevin said, have a look see & make sure there ain't leg extensions. You can adjust them easily if there is. The 220VS is a good saw! Enjoy it, Rocky, & make some saw dust my friend!!:)

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