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10 minutes ago, new2woodwrk said:

I have to go to HF tomorrow for some painting stuff, I'll look into that thing - I have a 20% coupon LOL

You won't be sorry. It's a great light and the magnifier is very good. I use it without my eyes going bonkers.



Posted (edited)

I switched mine over to LED's.. The bulbs I bought were just plug N play.. NOW... I did upgrade some very old 4ft shop lights to LED and the old ones do not have electronic ballast so I bought the direct wired LED bulbs.. I also bought some LED shop lights from Sams club.. I ended up taking them back... because the direct wired tube replacements was much brighter than  the standard LED shop lights i bought, LOL... I also have some shop lights with the electronic ballast.. and bought the LED's that are plug and play with the ballast.. Those are very bright too..  Not sure if using the ballast requires more energy or not.. but the LED bulbs that run on the ballast are about half the cost of those that are direct wired...

As for the magnifier light.. all the LED bulbs I purchased was much brighter than the standard florescent.. But the one I purchased off ebay was much brighter than those I bought at Menards locally.. Also the one from eBay has a rotating plug pin connector.. the other bulb didn't have this and the angle of the pins vrs where my plug is on the light do not match up very well and is quite a poor fit for my light.. I won't buy another one without the rotating connector..

All that said.. This is the bulb I am most happy with.. 



Edit to add: This is the bulb I used from Menards. It doesn't have the rotating pin plug.. and doesn't fit the fixture real great.. but it does work great.. and a little lower priced.. it isn't as bright as the one from eBay either.. though still brighter than the 6500K florescent  bulb that I had in there..


Edited by kmmcrafts
1 minute ago, new2woodwrk said:

It's on sale this month if you're an ITC member for $30!

Buying one tomorrow - maybe 2

Pick me up a couple :lol:.. I like those better than the ones I have.. while mine was about the same price.. mine don't have that flip down lid. my saws sit by two windows in my shop and I am always having to cover the lens.. as I worry about the sun shining in and setting something on fire.. I remember playing with magnifying glass as a kid setting papers and things on fire with them LOL..


Kevin is the one you have the same as HF cuz I ordered that LED bulb you linked for the one I just purchased at HF. I didn't check compatibility. May end up being a mistake on my part just assuming.

8 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

I've never seen the one HF has.. I bought mine from Menards.. other than the one that came with my Hawk.. I just like the lens cover.. but I assume I could probably make something that would work.. 


2 hours ago, Brianr24 said:

Kevin is the one you have the same as HF cuz I ordered that LED bulb you linked for the one I just purchased at HF. I didn't check compatibility. May end up being a mistake on my part just assuming.


Mine isn't the same as the HF one but I think about the only difference is mine has no lid to cover the lens..

The LED bulb should work as long as you have the 4 pin connector.. Some of the bulbs I've heard have a two pin connector... or so I'm told.. but I've never seen one yet and I've also never seen a replacement bulb for a two pin connector.. So most likely you're good with the bulb.. I'm thinking the two pin ones are very old lights or something very odd.. Being a newer light since you just bought it.. It should have the correct ballast for the light to work. I don't think you have anything to worry about..   

1 minute ago, Brianr24 said:

Thx Kevin. I'll see when it comes. yeah ike  I didn't even use mine yet but that was my 1rst thought.this cover will probably  end up being more trouble than it's worth. 

I left the cover on mine mostly because it keeps the surface dust from settling on the lens when not in use.


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