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Seems like I got mine at Joanne Fabrics. Ended up taking the cover off also. Shop is in the basement so no worries about sunlight causing a problem.I really like it. I also ordered the cross hair laser that Steve Good has set up. Since I have the King saw and can top feed, the cross hair laser seems like answer to a problem I have hitting the hole in the table. At $5.00 each seems worth a try. I like the top feed option since most of what I'm working on is fretwork.



13 hours ago, ike said:

The one I bought at menards doesn't have a cover over the magnifing glass. I had one at work with the cover on it and I took the cover off, it was just a pain.


I often wondered about the cover being in the way or something.. I think it would probably annoy me.. 

28 minutes ago, orangeman said:

Different story here. Bought one. The lens is different from my two other magnifying lights and I don't like it.


Yeah I have two from Menards and the one that came with my Hawk has a better lens.. While the Menards ones aren't bad by any means.. just not as good as the one from Hawk 


I would imagine that the mag lens might be causing problems because everybody seems to have a different up close prescription. I know my wife uses 3.25 in her reading glasses and I only use 2.50. Either way, I like the mag lens on my H/F light.



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