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An elementary school teacher from a nearby town contacted our club to ask us to give a demonstration of things to make/do with wood working tools. We spent two hours there with the 24 children ranging in ages from four to eleven. We brought ,with us, toys that were finished but needed wheels installed. Those that wanted to , painted them (cars and critters) and installed the wheels. Five guys from our club attended and we had the kids nailing into boards, (they loved that) nailing together small bird houses and installing the wheels. I also brought thirty 3-d cut horses and I taped them back together after cutting so the kids could take the pieces apart and reveal the horse inside. It is good we had five of us there. Four would also have worked but no less. There were three teachers there to help, also. With all that adult supervision the children were very well behaved. (Of course, a lot more fun than arithmetic!)5ae719b3d5096_TahokaKids.thumb.jpg.9d7275024b84d1466c902a57e0536876.jpg5ae7198f7353e_Critters2.jpg.0de25778c8ad4855823b33ce66e297fd.jpg5ae7197e49f7e_CHorse3.thumb.jpg.8a4b76a44ed6c1dd078a5518e2019864.jpg


Great thing to do by your club. Some of us old timers can actually remember having a class called shop in our school curriculum. Worked with wood, metal, leather etc etc. Actually still have a very small wall unit display that I've carried around 60 years later constructed in "shop". Love the new stuff, but missing the boat on teaching kids to working with their hands and mind.

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