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I'm finally back in the shop. some what. I'm goin' a few hours a day, tryin' to. I was informed i over did it yesterday, so I got grounded today:( but I did get the piece cut, sanded, & stained for the project i started before went down. That piece is the bottom of the box. It is now installed & glued in place.:) 

I've also got some feathers on wood ready for the saw.:) A little at a time.:):) 

thank you all for your prayers & support! they are still working!!!:):)

16 hours ago, SCROLLSAW703 said:

I'm finally back in the shop. some what. I'm goin' a few hours a day, tryin' to. I was informed i over did it yesterday, so I got grounded today:( but I did get the piece cut, sanded, & stained for the project i started before went down. That piece is the bottom of the box. It is now installed & glued in place.:) 

I've also got some feathers on wood ready for the saw.:) A little at a time.:):) 

thank you all for your prayers & support! they are still working!!!:):)

That's great Brad. I hope you get back to full steam soon. But, baby steps is what it's all about. Baby steps.



thank you for all the good advice. Trust me, it has been just a few hours at a time, & sometimes not everyday. It just depends on how I feel. I'm back on the scroll saw! I'm workin' on a dream catcher. I had the catcher already cut, & one feather. I cut another feather thursday, & worked on another project. I started cuttin' another feather yesterday & had to quit. Had a Sawbones appointment & Mary Ann did too. It feels good to be back in the shop!:):)


things went well, meflick. Mary Ann is goin thru a course of 3 injections in her right knee. One every friday. this last friday was the second injection. Our sawbones is injectin' rooster comb in her knee. I'm sure it's mixed with pain killer & who knows what so it'll go thru the needle. But it seems to help her knee issues temporarily. The last couple days I've been stuck in my chair, again, because my legs were swollen. The Dr upped my diaretics for 3 days, so I been kinda busy.;)


Brad, glad to hear about your progress. Things were pretty bleak when we talked on the phone. We have continued to pray for a full recovery for you, since we chatted. I am glad you are able to get back into the shop, that has to feel good and also a good confirmation that you are making progress. Hang in there and go slowly at first.. You don't want to end up back in the hospital like Amazing  Kevin did when he over did things, awhile back



3 hours ago, SCROLLSAW703 said:

I have a host of friends!:) thanks ray, but thankfully it's just for 3 days. today is the final day of bein' overdosed with diaretics, so Hopefully I can get back in the shop awhile tomorrow. thanks for the thought, though, ray, I appreciate it, Sir.:)

And from what I hear, you can do the same thing with cranberry juice. Just stay close to the john. Every shop should have a john.


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