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the amazing JIM, buddy how are you,Man what a array of scrolling projects you've done!You don't fool around.Gitter done!You'd be a hard guy to keep up with ,with your determination.I'm going to have to give you an a-plus everytime from now on.How's that scroll saw holdin up.You must have the speed wound out ,as fast as your pumpin out these projects.How many years experience do you have under your belt.Looks like you'd make a good scroll saw teacher too.Yes all things are possiable with prayer.Great job scrollin Jim .You set the pace,need for speed.thats really nice that you have orders waiting.Myself after giving away over a thousand detailed ,fancy ,took hours to make projects you'd think i'd had orders waiting too ,but it's the opposite,guess i'll have to pray about it! :)


thanx bulldog, lol hunter, me too, i should give it to him for cmas,,, Kevin, how many years have i been scrollin u ask?? lolol not years,, months, i bought my first scroll saw about 5 months ago, around the same time i found this forum. Guess i am a fast learner, only because of other members, when i got a question, they either help me out or put me on track of getting the answer. Travis with his portrait pattern making DVD's was awesome. and quite a few others have helped along the way... how is my scroll saw doing?? well lets see, my speed control got fixed magically, now when you take blade out of top the arm doesnt spring up no more, and my air nozzle isnt shooting air. cleaned out the tube, but still no air,so i guess i am killing my scroll saw! :cool::cool::thumbs: sorry for rambling again :sneak:


Marg, lol well there is one reason i am doing alot, I am sure most of the members on this forum, has a job they gotta go to to keep up their addiction, i mean passion, I am disabled getting a disability check that barely covers rent and 1 bill, so i am stuck at home 85% of the time, i do get out when my wife is off work and we go somewhere. Been disabled for 3 yrs now and it really sux, ao i decided to start wood working, to try lol underline try to supplement my check. But anyways i know i am rambling, thank you for the kind words.


Hey jim,With your skills ,determineation and persaverance you'll do fine.God loves a cheerful giver and you give alot.He knows your needs .5 months whew! you are flyin.At that pace the skys the limit.Learn all you can and it will all come together when you need it most.I;m amazed at all the craft shows ,charitys ,radio stations ,give aways you do,your blessed and pass it on to others .They see your handiwork everyday so you briten their days and you don't even know it.Keep on keepin on ,you do great work my friend. :)


One day soon when you least expect it those order are going to come flooding in. My Mum lost both of her legs and she always said that "You are not diabled if you have a good sense of humour and a good hobby" That is my motto too. Keep up the good work.



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