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I guess I haven't figured out how to use the search bar yet. I know that not too far back there was something discussed about marking or signing your work with either a branding iron or wood burning tool. I can't seem to find it. I was wondering how everybody "signs" their work. Those of you who do that is. Curious. I might want to start putting my name and a date on some things I'm making.



I do mine a few ways, I have a branding iron the I heat up with a torch.  It takes a little time to heat it up, but I like using it.  Where there is a big enough piece of wood visible, like on the back or bottom, I will brand it.  I have also "branded" several pieces of veneer and if I can't brand the piece directly, I will epoxy one of the veneer pieces in an appropriate  place.  If none of that will work I sign it with a Sharpie.  I also add the month/year completed to whatever the piece is.  I do this even though I rarely sell anything... but I do give pieces away and I want the recipients to know who they owe a huge amount of gratitude to!!!!😄  Okay, maybe not so much...


Thanks all. I thought I had read about someone here that used a woodburning tool and I was looking at Amazon for something that might work. Whatever I read, the person spoke of a "cheapie $15 ******* woodburning tool".  I can't recall the brand name so I thought I'd look back but I had no luck with the search tool. I used every combination of "signing" "marking" and whatever else I could think up but nothing came back that was what I had read. Heck, it might not have been here. I hang out on FB forums too. Thanks again. I think I have it covered now. You all have given me plenty of ideas to run with.



I use a branding iron which I think I shown in one of those links. I never put a date on any item and never will. I make items to sell and if they do not sell one year they appear every year till they sell and who knows when that can be. Would not want people seeing an older piece and then they want some discount or say something about the date. What difference does it make when it was made. just an opinion.


John, it doesn’t “matter” when something is made. Since you sell your pieces, it makes sense you would not want a date on your items. I don’t sell mine presently, not sure I ever will. I make what I make for fun, love of it. I then either keep it, or give it to family who I make it for or who like it. As a result, I do date mine. I date mine so I know when I made something. By dating, I can also hopefully tell the progress I have made over time. As a relative newbie to the saw, it is good to see that progress.  Maybe with more experience, that becomes less a need or reason.

2 minutes ago, meflick said:

John, it doesn’t “matter” when something is made. Since you sell your pieces, it makes sense you would not want a date on your items. I don’t sell mine presently, not sure I ever will. I make what I make for fun, love of it. I then either keep it, or give it to family who I make it for or who like it. As a result, I do date mine. I date mine so I know when I made something. By dating, I can also hopefully tell the progress I have made over time. As a relative newbie to the saw, it is good to see that progress.  Maybe with more experience, that becomes less a need or reason.

I understand why you might not want to date something that you are selling but I personally would like to know when something was made and by who. I have some hand carved things from my great grandfather. It would have been neat if he would have marked them is some way and dated them so I would know when he carved them. When I pass them down I now have to remember to put a note with them with as much info as I might be able to provide. I will be signing and dating all my work from here on.

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