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The picture is the cover photo for the Tri City Scrollers and Woodcrafters group on Facebook. I have tried to contact them to see where I can find the pattern but so far, I haven't heard anything back. Thanks for all your help folks. I'll keep trying.


2 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

He has a number of cars - two that look similar but not quite the same are the 32Ford3window and 34Ford5window patterns- besides being flipped the other way - there are some other slight differences like the roof top on this one is a bitter "flatter" then those two I think.  However, they may be close enough to give you what you want to do.

2 minutes ago, meflick said:

He has a number of cars - two that look similar but not quite the same are the 32Ford3window and 34Ford5window patterns- besides being flipped the other way - there are some other slight differences like the roof top on this one is a bitter "flatter" then those two I think.  However, they may be close enough to give you what you want to do.

The 32FordCoupe, from that website, looks like the one.

12 hours ago, Scrappile said:

Then also be sure to take a look at Don's 1933 Ford Coupe Pattern found there at: https://oldcrowscrollwerks.weebly.com/store/p254/1933_Ford_Coupe_Pattern.html a bit harder to tell, since Don's pics are intentionally blurred to keep people from freely lifting them.  Speaking of Don, has anybody communicated with him in a while?  

Not sure if those are the right cars/time frame but look close.

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