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We knew it was coming but nobody expected it to be this hot. On my back porch it was over 103° all day. That's in the shade. I was working in my shop and on the driveway building a cart/stand for my EX. I finally got it in clamps. Tomorrow I will drill and screw it all together. I used 7" wheels from H/F so I can get it in and out of my shop. Generally it's pretty nice out on the driveway so I will do a lot of my scrolling out there.





Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, jerry1939 said:

I don't like your shop Ray.  Too darn neat.  I could never find what need in a place like that.


You can't see most of it. That part is neat just so I can get in and out. Jerry, My shop is all of 9 x 13 feet. I have mostly portable tools that can be used outside. I have to keep it under control or I wouldn't be able to do anything. I even have a portable work table outside made of two sawhorses and a piece of plywood. But, it beats not having a shop at all.



Edited by octoolguy

Nice stand / cart Ray.. looks like it should work pretty well for you..

as for my shop... I do pretty good at keeping it clean.. just wish I had taught my kids to do the same.. also wish i had taught them to put tools back where they found them.. most times when i need a tool.. I know better than to look in the tool box for it.. just pay attention to where my kids have been working on things at.. and i'll find the tools I need.. 9 out of 10 times they aren't in the tool box.. so anyway.. that is one big thing I failed to teach my kids I suppose.. but I'll take that over the majority of mouthy disrespectful brats that many of the younger kids are these days.. 

2 hours ago, octoolguy said:

You can't see most of it. That part is neat just so I can get in and out. Jerry, My shop is all of 9 x 13 feet. I have mostly portable tools that can be used outside. I have to keep it under control or I wouldn't be able to do anything. I even have a portable work table outside made of two sawhorses and a piece of plywood. But, it beats not having a shop at all.



I wish I had a shop as large as yours. Yours is 117 sq ft. Mine is only 112 sq ft.  You lucky guy.

Posted (edited)

We broke many records here in the Southland yesterday. One of them, out in Riverside went back to 1918. Damned "global warming" anyway. Ha!


17 hours ago, jerry1939 said:

I don't like your shop Ray.  Too darn neat.  I could never find what need in a place like that.



You can't see most of it. That part is neat just so I can get in and out.


Edited by octoolguy

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