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Hello group! I wanted to add this 5 person portrait to my showings someday.It took exactly 4.25 hours of cutting time to do.I used "mike@mikesworkshop.com" spiral blades to cut this exclusivly.FD-SP-rev #3,40 t.p.i.-12 rev.One problem i encounterd was i chose my best looking piece of wood ,and half way through the project i had to use another blade. When i loosend the bottom blade i noticed(felt) an unusualy fine dust. It ends up my best looking wood was fiber board.I;m surprised i could finish and not blow out a piece .I used 4 blades and broke three from carelessness.I believe 2 blades would have done the job had that not happened.Now i need to do a 4 person portrait to complete my collection.I'm not sure what to use as a backgroud ,paper wood, inlay?Steve goods flutter wheel made short work again getting rid of the fuzzys.Thank you Grampa for makeing the pattern.it was a joy to cut.I am so poor and my worst enemy that i never use enough glue to hold down patterns and this one slipped on the girl on the right .I'm not sure if any damage was done as i could'nt down load the original phote from image shack to cross reference to.Haveing the clock plugged into the saw now makes scrolling all that more interesting knowing how long you :) r cutting time is!Tips and tricks payed off again!Thank you stevie for the privalige to scroll your friends.post-2756-13495554568_thumb.jpg


Thank you so much Paul ,I could'nt have done it with out your expertice!Your one of the best pattern makers here at ssv!You've made alot of dreams come true for me,and brought out the can do in me.SSV has been a large part of my life and holding me together in these trying times.It was a blessing to run across scrolling by pure accident.Thank you all for all you have taught me ,showed me and guided me here at SSV.This is the best club i've ever belonged to.thanks everybody! :)


Kevin, great cutting, for the backer i would suggest, my opinion, is go to the crafts section at walmart and get some felt, they have all kinds of colors, 47 cents each, or 3-4 bucks for a pack of 12 (could be more), and use some thin wood like luan 1/4 or less wood, glue the felt on it with adhesive spra, then either hot glue or wood glue it to the piece. that is what i do. or you can get some very small staples to attach beacker... just my 2 cents worth, again, great cutting.


Thanks Jim,i needed that ,Im real curious as to what branch of service this gentelman is in and maybe i could find some felt to match the uniform.Grampa the wood allready had a picture thin photo of wood on it and that's what fooled me as to it being a great looking quality wood ,no stain,it's fiberboard same as the militaryman portrait.Had to use it up to get rid of the fool me wood.Your pattern was easy cut ,thanks. :)


Great work Kevin. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: I did a 7 person portrait once so I know how you feel, except I was only asked to do the one for a 21st birthday gift them 2 months later they came back and asked for another one, if I had known I could have cut the 2 at once the first time.




thank you marg,I thank you for the compliment .their allways welcome and needed!On the spirals i hated them with a passion till Greasemonkeyredneck set me straight on the proper way to set them up.first use two plyers to straighten out the ends of the blade so they slip right in your blade holders,second tight as you can go with blade tightening ,thats the trick,i found also that a thin spiral is like a rubberband ,it will bend off course to easy but a thick spiral won't.and third go at least twice as slow or slower when cutting,take your time.I now love spirals when i learned the idiosyncasits of them.No more spining spining spining of the project.You do have to be carefull even more with spirals as looking away for what ever reason the blade keeps cutting away.Hope this helps make a believer out of you .It did me! :)

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