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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Rockytime said:

Interesting video. Amazing what can be done on an antique scroll saw. I did subscribe as I am a mere mortal woodworker.

Well, for some fun, go to his site and look up the plans for his "Marshmellow Crossbow". I made 4 of them to give to family members.  They a great fun to make and play with.... wear eye protection.... Surprising how a fast moving soft marshmellow can feel in the eye...

Here you go I found it... fun


Edited by Scrappile

Hi, Don,
I went to YouTube and found the WWMM video by Steve Ramsey with this link. http://woodworkingformeremortals.com/beginning-woodworking-intarsia/

Once on that page there is a link that says DOWNLOAD THE PATTERN HERE.

This link, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byv0IjzK8MhvYXBaN0JSelVNSTA/view may take you directly to the .pdf of the pattern.

God Bless! Spirithorse


Thanks for all the help chaps.

@spirithorse, I have downloaded the pattern and am about to PM Brian.

@meflick, I saw the pattern on Judy's site.but was sidetracked by the 'bears' patterns, I may send (later this year) for the whole series of them.

We have just set up a 'Men's Shed' in Glenrothes and I have been put in charge of the Scroll Saw and the Pyrography sections.

I have 4 interested members for the scroll saw and I have copied and used the practice patterns that Travis produced.

When I saw the 'Scarecrow' I thought it ideal for the class as it could be done as Intarsia with different woods or Segmentation with cutting from a piece of Redwood and staining.

I will just need to ask Bpardue for permission to use his design in the class, and if he gives it I may turn it into a competition that they must complete by the Open Day this year,

Thanks again all of you.


take care

Don W

PS Thinking of the competition, I may post the pieces on here and ask for criticism/judgement on what you all think of them.



Hi, Don,
Unless I am mistaken, you misinterpreted Brian's reply when he said ,"That was my piece".

I believe the pattern design is from Steve Ramsey(although he said he used someone else's coloring page to make it)  and he shared the pattern to be used by anyone.
Brian made the scarecrow and he acknowledged that the pic you showed was the one he cut, not his design.

God Bless1 Spirithorse


Thanks for that spirithorse, I see what has happened now.

As Steve has released the pattern I can use it but I will, of course, credit Steve as the designer.

I was thinking simple design, simple cutting, I could probably start this as Segmentation and paint with Acrylic paint and finish with a coat of spray varnish.


take care

Don W

PS Thank you everyone for the interest shown in this little project. I was at the 'Shed' this morning and the 'techie' crowd were in setting up wireless routers etc. I didn't get much time on the lathe project I have to finish before I can get the scroll saw classes started but there is a bit of interest from half a dozen people so that will be enough to get started I think. Again thank you all. 


The photo that Don shown was my version of the pattern by Steve Ramsey. I said correct because the earlier post mentioned where to find the pattern and I was just replying correct and the was my piece you were showing. I'm not on here regularly do to my real job. I travel normally every Monday thru Wednesday and I'm not on the internet much during those days.


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