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another grand child getting married this year


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It is a simple to cut pattern and nothing to be bragging about.. I just need to post the little bit I have been cutting just to let everyone here that I am still alive and continuing to work a little in my shop.. the problem is,,,, I still have not gotten my air conditioner up and running in my shop..The temperatures have been in the 106 to 115 degrees and even with a fan and a wet t--shirt, it is still pretty warm in my shop to work very long at a time..



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13 hours ago, wombatie said:

You did a great job Dick.  Give the girl what she wants.  :)  I made one a couple of years ago and put a 'diamond' ring on it, they thought that was a wonderful touch.



   I love your idea about putting the ring in it. On my previous project I added mountains in the background and I think it too added something special and appealing to it. I am going to try and remember to make an effort to do that more often.. Also it makes the piece have a little more personality, if you know what I mean



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