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I just noticed it's about time to empty my saw dust can from my dust collection.. mostly from my planner or bandsaw.... got me to thinking.. what do you all do with your saw dust.. My brother's lumber mill is just a few mile up the road so I take it to his big saw dust pile.. since he sells saw dust by the big dump truck loads.. mostly to horse farms etc.. That said.. this time I cannot dump it because I planned some walnut and also did some glue-ups and walnut is toxic to horses... not sure about the glues but I assume it shouldn't be used for animal bedding etc.. anyway.. I have about 6 cans I use.. and once they get full i load them in my truck and take them to my brother.. just thought about it today because my 6th can is half full and I need to do some planning..

Anyway, it's fairly easy for me to empty my saw dust cans.. usually... brother is okay with me dumping walnut.. but he needs to know ahead of time so he doesn't deliver that batch to a farmer.. 

So what do you do with all your saw dust..  

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