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I have been out of the scrolling scene for a few years but I am ready to set up my shop again soon. A friend of mine in Washington got me started in scroll sawing in 1998. I really enjoy Fretwork but due to a divorce and a couple of moves I really haven't had a place to set up my tools. I bought an old farm house tha needs some TLC and has a couple of buildings that will make a good scroll room so I am about to get things set back up, now all I have to do is find some time to play.


Hello LARRY,How you doin,Im so happy and excited to hear that a dream has come true for you.Your scroll room is top shelve for us and you too will enjoy the benifets of real relaxation in it.Sorry about your comitment ,but marriage and insanity both requir commitment,lol.One of our scrollers scrolled that not long ago.thought i'd throw that in as we have lots of cheery fun here.We'd all like to know what you've scrolled(pictures if possiable)what machines you use,mine is a 20"craftsman ,c-arm scroll saw,and it's my baby.

You welcome to open your own gallery to store your works in .The forum here is a wealth of scrolling info and invaluable for seasoned scrollers and newbies alike. I'm allways learning something everyday in it.We'll even teach you how to convert a photo to scroll work easyley.I'm a old fart pushin 60 around the waist and in age so your at home !lol. Enjoy you time spent in ssv.scrollsawvillage.It took me a year to learn what ssv ment,lol, :) enjoy

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