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Hi All:


Do you still radius the backside of the blades? I understand that stoning a light radius on the edges on the rear of the blade helps when doing tight cuts. The rounded edges help reduce friction and binding during turns.


Have Fun!


I don't round the back of my blades. I know about it, but haven't tried it myself. I'm usually pretty happy with my turns. But I think it certainly will improve the quality of your corners. Anybody have any experience with this technique?


Yes I do this to the backs of scroll saw blades. But I use a small file I just lay the file on it's side on the top of the saw table right behind the saw blade that is installed in my Dewalt.You have to hold on to the file of course. and step on foot pedal to run the blade up and down that has been installed in the saw. it removed the straight edges of the back of the blade and makes it rounded so it is easlier for me to turn sharp corners in my project I'm cutting out. I have a finishing stone from Sloan's wood shop it has a wooden handle. I have used it few times But I seem to like the small hand file best.


One of the magazines (I'm not sure which one) someone made a rounding jig. Basically, they took a 2x4 and used a forsner bit to drill a hole. Then with the bandsaw or scroll saw, cut the wood in half so you have 2 boards, each with a half circle. Then they glue sandpaper to the half circle. They basically put that jig behind the blade and it makes it easy to round the back of the blade. Pretty neat.



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