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Nothing special, but it has an interesting story.


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Jerry not only is the story quite interesting and the court house cutting with the American flag an outstanding reminder to the people in Marshalltown and the people of Iowa of the destruction that was dealt to them by the tornado, but I see only one thing is all of this that is  false. Are you asking yourself, "how could Dick know  that I have stated something falsely, when he probably has never even seen or possible never heard of Marshalltown ?"  If you are, then you are correct that I have never even heard of Marshalltown, Iowa   until just now. But the falsehood still remains and that is in your title to this post  when you said , "Nothing Special". Obviously this piece is very meaningful and special to all the town's people and it has become a reminder to all who view it. Thanks for your understanding of the importance of finding a way to honor part of our National history with your work.


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12 hours ago, heppnerguy said:

Jerry not only is the story quite interesting and the court house cutting with the American flag an outstanding reminder to the people in Marshalltown and the people of Iowa of the destruction that was dealt to them by the tornado, but I see only one thing is all of this that is  false. Are you asking yourself, "how could Dick know  that I have stated something falsely, when he probably has never even seen or possible never heard of Marshalltown ?"  If you are, then you are correct that I have never even heard of Marshalltown, Iowa   until just now. But the falsehood still remains and that is in your title to this post  when you said , "Nothing Special". Obviously this piece is very meaningful and special to all the town's people and it has become a reminder to all who view it. Thanks for your understanding of the importance of finding a way to honor part of our National history with your work.


Both my Religion & my Morals tell me to be a humble person.  As I stated quit some time ago the heading "Bragging Rights" grates on me.  You are certainly free to think & feel what you want.  That is your right.  I will continue to think of my work "as nothing special".

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52 minutes ago, jerry1939 said:

Both my Religion & my Morals tell me to be a humble person.  As I stated quit some time ago the heading "Bragging Rights" grates on me.  You are certainly free to think & feel what you want.  That is your right.  I will continue to think of my work "as nothing special".

Jerry, I hope you didn't see my remarks as a correction toward you. I was just my way of saying this is a very Special piece, indeed. Because the city accepted it in that manner and was honored to make a permanent place to hang it for all to reflect on it. I agree with you on being humble and I too lean that direction. I often get remarks here about being to hard on myself. It is for that very reason. I also do not care much for 'bragging rights' but would rather just see something like " my latest work" to be the heading. This is not my site and I do not wish to try and change the wonderful and hard work of Travis. I appreciate the time, care and efforts of Travis way too much to try and put my own personal ideas in his way. 

    Why my statement on your title came to mind, is we had a man in Heppner, where I lived before my recent move to Arizona, that served on the city council there. He also was an officer in the Army and  worked on a highly classified position in military intelligence. This man came down with Parkinson disease and had to quit his city position. The military asked him to come back and help them with his knowledge on something that this man could not share with others. I had such an admiration for this man that I took it upon myself to make him an intarsia plaque of a soldier saluting at the tomb of the unknown soldier. I found out later that he decided it was too important for him to have on a personal basis and gave it to the city hall to hang on the wall there for all to remember the soldiers who gave there lives for all of us. I was very humbled by this. He told my wife that he thought it was too fitting not to give it a public place for all to see. 

   I was only trying to say, in my seemingly crazy way, that I saw your piece in the same light that this fellow councilman of Heppner viewed the plaque I gave to him. I am sorry if I offended you in any way, my intent was only to show my admiration for your work and the honorable way you choose to share your talent



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