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Hi, I'm Don and have been retired 10 years and live in Redditch, for any one that doesnt know thats

about 10 miles from where William Shakespear lived

I have for many years been into model engineering , mainly stationary steam engines but

I decided I would like to have a try at scroll sawing, I particularly like the look of  wooden gear clocks and also

Intarsia. I have bought a plan for a clock from Brian Law , and Kathy Wise's book on intarsia for beginers.

I didnt want to pay a fortune for a top line machine like an Excaliber  or Hegner untill I know I want to stick with it

so for now I have bought a Schepach SD1600 F which is fitted with the flexible drive  shaft for dremel atachments.

I thought it might be a good idea to subscribe to a scroll saw magazine  for patterns etc but we dont seem to have one in the UK.

Looking on the internet I found scroll saw woodworking and crafts magazine. I tried looking at back issues online

so I could see what sort of items the magazine contained before spending out on a subscription, With the postage from the USA its quite expensive.

especially if its not really what I like. looking up back issues online I noticed that I couldnt find any issue to look at before issue 24 ,

even stranger was I allso found  scroll saw workshop magazine but with that I could only find up to issue 23 ,

It got me wondering, as the one stops at 23 and the other starts at 24, is it the same magazine that just changed its name ?

or are both magazines still running ? I wonder if any of you from the USA can answer that for me ?




Hello Don, And welcome to the village, Thank you for the intro, I think you will like it here there are plenty of free patterns and plenty of help if you want it, The internet is a great place to look things up and youtube as well,

You can get wood from old furniture & woodworking shops to practice on, See you later Don,

Bob :thumbs: 


Welcome to the forum.  Very glad to have you join us.

The only scroll saw magazine I currently know of in the US is ScrollSaw Woodworking and Crafts.  You can look at what is in the current issue at their website and that may give you some idea of the type of content.  It they would make them digital, so you could receive your copy via internet, it would be more convenient and I think they would get a great amount of subscription from other English speaking countries.... There must be reason why they don't do it.

Seems to me there is also a magazine published in Germany.  Do you read German?  I know I saw their site once, don't know if they are still in business.


Hi Don, welcome to the Village.  Yes Scroll Saw Workshop did become Scroll Saw Woodworking an Craft but I don't know when and the later is still in production.  Anyhow pull up a chair and make yourself at home.



Welcome to the Village Don from across the big Pond.  Glad to have you join us.  You can find the only US published magazine for scrollers here:


and back issues can be found here: https://foxchapelpublishing.com/magazines/scroll-saw-woodworking-crafts.html

If you scroll through there, they also have 4 CDs that have back issues on them.  They go from issue 1 to issue 48 if you got all 4 cds.  I bought them since I had not had a subscription that went back that far and I think they have lots of good projects. They usually have at least one Intarsia project in each one - sometimes more I think.  They also have had wooden gear clocks and such in some in the past I know. 

They had a special issue back in 20015 called "Gizmos and Gadgets" you might want to check out: https://scrollsawer.com/2015/10/02/gizmos-gadgets-2015/


Welcome to The Village. As mentioned already, there are a lot of nice free patterns here in our pattern library and they are added to on an almost daily basis. Feel free to give whatever you wish, a try and then post your work and be sure and credit the designer. They are very generous to share their pattern making skills with everyone. You might also like to take a look at Steve Good's site, as he has many free pattern you can download for free. His web site is

www. scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com 

A big welcome to you from Sunny and warm Southern Arizona



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