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Piggy Banks


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I have a customer wanting some piggy banks made. They will just be single letters and have a clear plexiglass? window on the front.

Is plexiglass the best thing to use in this application?

Also, what is the best way to get a clean cut with plexiglass? I have never worked with it before so I am just curious what I am getting into.

Any tips will help. Thank You

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I cut acrylic at the table saw. I use a cross cut blade and work slowly. Some thin stock can slide under the fence on the table saw so I use an auxiliary pw fence that is flush to the table saw top.   I've never cut curves but I'd use a either the scroll saw or a jig saw and use blades with a high tooth count. Always leave the material that covers the glass in place until you are done working with it.  For holes, the drill press and slow speeds. Cleaning up the 'dust' is no fun. Static electricity builds up and it sticks to everything. Have fun.

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Lexan works best, if you can find it. Plexi cracks and shatters. Lexan won't. They make bullet proof windows from thick Lexan. It cuts and drills like Plexi, but it won't crack or shatter. Lowes does carry window thickness Lexan. If you want thicker you will need to find a plastics supplier or McMaster Supply.


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I have cut plexi years ago and found using small blade, low speed and I used Duck tape to put on the plexiglass and glued pattern to that. This seemed to keep the melting to minimum and when tape taken off plastic dust came of with it and was on the top of the tape mostly. Sloan's was where I got the information for cutting plexiglass. Not sure if it is still on their sight. 

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