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Cutting Suggestion Needed

WigWag Workshop

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Good Day Folks,


In another post, a website was posted with royalty free clip art. I found the attached picture, and I would like to make it into a gift. My lady loves polar bears, and I think it would make a nice surprise. Now to my questions, how do I go about cutting this type of picture? Would I use a wood burner for the nose area and inside lines? What thickness of wood and blade size? So far all my cuts have been basic outlines, and I would like to step up to the next 'level".


Thanks in advance for any guidance,



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Hi steven, i've thought about this a few times and my conclueion was that on most any picture i've seen just erase a part of the line some where so wood can still hold it toghther.On the bear erase two spots before and after the nose ,top and bottom away from the nose an inch or so.that way the :) nose still has the 3d look but is scrollable.hope you can under stand,hope this helps.

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WOW, Thank you very much, what parts do I cut? Would you suggest a #3 FD blade? Sorry for the noob questions, I am still learning this wonderful hobby. I want to say thanks again for the fast reply, and the time you took to make this for me. I am slowly learning Corel Draw, I hoping to get good enough, so I will be able to help others in making patterns and make some of my own to share.



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