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Hello and nice to find this forum.  I have been trying to get started for about a month now and cannot find the "just right" starter pieces so for now....leaves are my friend.  

I have no background in this but my dh has made furniture and cabinets for many years.  I have a lot of hobbies (too many) and hope to enjoy this one too.  I could watch scrollers on Youtube for hours as it looks so relaxing.  

Picture attached (if it lets me) is perhaps my biggest inspiration at this time.  My son took to the saw last year and has made many beautiful things.  Mike and I have helped him with some of the finishing work.  He is not crazy about that part and we both love finishing :)  

Spent a few hours perusing the layout here and can see there are some incredible artisans.    I know for sure I will have questions and hope to figure some of it out on my own.  




Welcome Janice to The Village. We are all most happy you found us and hope you decide to come visit here often. None of us bite and we are very pleased when someone chooses to join up with us. We are a friendly group here and we have a lot of great information for you to explore, and exploration of our site, we encourage. There are a lot of free patterns you can download and make. You will find several tutorials about many  things to do with scrolling, that you might find helpful as you dive into a new hobby. Ask away about anything to do with scrolling and you will be glad you did. The important thing here is for you to log on often so we all get to know you and you us. You see, this is a huge family of people that are helpful, kind to each other and so friendly you will have a difficult time NOT to log on daily after a short time, provided you log on and participate. Really it is that easy. 



Welcome to the Village Janice.  Your son's cutting is excellent.  Did you and your husband put the clocks together or just sand and finish?    They are definitely items to be proud of.



Thank you all for the nice welcome!  Marg,  he put them all together and we did the finishes.  

After my first 3 days getting to know the saw and scrolling, my appreciation for what all of you do has increased ten-fold!  

Now I need to find the "beginner" section here.....you know where I can ask about why my puzzles seem loose fitting, wood jumping around, speed up or slow down, changing blades, and why does my neck and back ache after 2 hours ?   Ok so I am 60 and may be the answer to that last one.  Everything is still a little hurky  jerky (?)  but hopefully with practice will smooth out.  Oh, and watching videos doesn't seem to work for me either.

Good thing I have a sense of humor :)

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