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Good to hear. The economy looks to be solid this year so this could be a good season for shows. Nice display and lots of variety. What would you say was the best seller and did things from past years sell this year that did not do well in the past?? Were people looking for anything in particular??  Usually at shows there is someone selling something that everyone is buying. I did a show many many years ago and there was a person selling snowmen on a stick as we called it and all it was was a snowman cut and painted and mounted on a stick that you stick in the ground. Everyone was walking around with them and it became the joke of the show between vendors. We all were staying we should go out and get some sticks and just mount whatever it was we were selling on a stick and we would do good. Another year was the growing stick gauges. Put it on a wall and kids mark their growth heights. You never know what will sell year to year.

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