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When stack cutting BB or any plywood you have a couple things that you are trying to overcompensate for Different grain direction This what gives plywood the strength. All that glue that is used to hold those layer together and it is a different glue than what we use.  So speed is reduced and also blade life is greatly reduced. 

As Kevin said there is that fine line where you can save time by stacking so many and actually slowing yourself down too much where you could have cut them faster with less in a stack. Stack cutting is where we can make up some $$$ in the end. We do not tell anyone about this secret though.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Happyman said:


Good evening, I'm a newcomer, can I ask how do you stick the boards to you? Those four layers? thank you for answer

Many ways of doing this and not sure how Kevin does it being this is his thread. But will give you some ideas. People will hot glue the edges of the boards together on all 4 edges. Some people will use double sided tape. And my favorite is to tape all sides with blue painters tape and then I take a blank sheet of paper the size of my blanks and spray adhesive on both sides of the paper and sandwich that between layers. The advantage of this is that no matter how I cut the piece out it is stuck to the one underneath it. There are times if you do not do this, as you are cutting and turning the piece they move around within the kerf of the cuts and if you happen to move them there will be some imperfections in them. Just an opinion.  


By the way welcome to the site.

On 11/16/2018 at 12:16 AM, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

Ray you say the wood is cupping. is it cupping on the 5 inch  wide side??? What are you planing on doing with it?? I ask because if that wood is cupping now it will always want to cup. you maybe able to flatten some and hopefully when you do the fret work it will take out some of the tension and keep it straight. But who knows. Be careful wetting oak because it will turn black. Good luck and keep us posted.

I ended up not doing anything. I cut the boards to the length I needed, stacked in two stacks of 3 and 4. Then I taped them tightly together and clamped them to my workbench for overnight. Once, I did my cutting they pretty much flattened out and by the time I got to gluing them together and clamping, they are quite flat. I should not have been worried knowing how they would be cut and glued. Experience,,,I need more experience.


On 6. 1. 2019 at 18:28, JTTHECLOCKMAN said:

Mnoho způsobů, jak to udělat, a nevíte, jak to dělá Kevin, je jeho nit. Ale dá vám nějaké nápady. Lidé zalepí hrany desek dohromady na všech čtyřech okrajích. Někteří lidé použijí oboustrannou pásku. A mým nejoblíbenějším je nalepit všechny strany modrou malířskou páskou a potom si vezmu prázdný list papíru o rozměrech mé přířezy a postříkat lepidlo na obou stranách papíru a sendvič, který mezi vrstvami. Výhodou toho je, že bez ohledu na to, jak jsem odřízl kus, je přilepená na tu pod ním. Jsou chvíle, když to neuděláte, jelikož střílíte a otáčíte kusem, který se pohybuje v okraji řezů, a pokud je budete pohybovat, budou v nich nějaké nedokonalosti. Jen názor.  


Mimochodem vítejte na webu.

Great, thank you for your advice, your way I like it, the saw came to me on Monday, but to try it a lot, so I have to wait for the weekend and also order suitable slices


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