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Not usually this busy this early in the season. Actually the whole year has been a little busier but not usually this busy until after Thanksgiving. 

Did 4 custom / personalized orders tonight and then this big order.. Got burned out on personalization so I removed the contact for custom order buttons from the website, at least until I get caught up. 



Keeping things warm and rust off tools is an important objective when dealing with work shops for sure. May have to put on some help. I know a person who use to sub out some cutting to other scrollers. I use to do part time work for a furniture restorer and he would call me if he had  some scroll work that needed replacing. It was a little added income back in the day. I did some fancy fret work on a mirror he was restoring and it was made of cherry and boy that was a pain to cut out without burning. As it turned out he was aging it anyway to match the other furniture so I did not have to be as picky as I did. Wish he would have told me that. 


Good luck with the sales. Means economy is doing well and that is always good news.


Heat and a good bandsaw will be enough. You don't  need a table saw if you have a good bandsaw unless fine furniture projects are in your future. Don't work more than 30 hours a day you do need to get a quick nap in there. Good luck on making it to the finish.

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