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Missing Pattern!


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I don't know what has happened but I cannot find this pattern in my files and I have searched all of the sites I can thank of with no results!

Has anyone seen or has this pattern and where may I obtain it? Sorry about the small photo but our email provider has changed the system so thet any photo sent has too be resized first!


P1010004 (1) (1).JPG

Edited by redwine
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I would check Steve Good's catalog at his site. I have seen the coffee cup and the wording but not together. I have made the workee plaque and I think the coffee cup is one I think I saw at Steve good. I will check and see if I find it and let you know if I find it

Sorry checked Steves site no luck

Edited by bandaideman
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21 hours ago, don in brooklin on said:

I recreated as I could not find.  If this is not oaky please let me know and I will delete.  You will have to resize

  Thanks for the recreate pattern. I think that this will work! I have a customer that wanted 2 of the original but cannot find the original pattern,







Edited by redwine
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The original pattern has been found! The Phantom Scroller had posted this pattern March 5 over on the Scrollers Café and has just reposted it this morning! I don't understand why this pattern was not put into the Café archives but I do have copies of it now safely downloaded for the future! I want to thank everyone for all of your searching for the pattern and your responses, thank you so much!!


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