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Packaging this weekends sales today.. and while boxing up ornaments I thought maybe you all would like to see my method of boxing the ornaments.. I get these little clear top gift boxes from Papermart or.. Uline.. The sizing is just about perfect for a business card to fit into the box.. and I also buy little stickers that I stick n the sides to hold the top on during the shipping process.. One customer mentioned they wanted to do another purchase from me but had lost my business card.. when she was unpacking and putting up her tree.. she come across my ornament box that while torn to get open.. had the remnants of these little stickers with my web address on them.. so kinda serves two purposes I suppose.. 

We have a pretty cold morning today.. so since it's my birthday.. I'm staying inside and working on getting orders ready for the post office... This is ornaments I sold over the weekend.. Now I need to get these packaged in the boxes and mailing labels put on so i can move onto the 4 clocks and 2 Portraits I sold..

P.S. I've gotta reply to this message with the photos because they are on my phone and I'm on my PC at the moment..  So if you see this before I get the photos up.. they're on the way in just a minute, LOL




Edited by kmmcrafts

It adds that personal touch and it gives your product some showmanship if that is the correct word. Shows you care in what you are doing. I always include my business card for any item I sell but have to say in all the years I have been doing this I bet I can count on one hand that card had a play in a sale. I have people pick up my cards at shows all the time and ask myself I wonder what they actually do with them because they go onto the next vendor and do the same. But they are out there. 1000's of them 😀


Well, my experience has been that.. about 95% of the ornaments I sell are a unique gift for someone.. maybe a guy thing here.. but I can't stand wrapping a gift... especially one that has no box.. and many of the ornaments are quite fragile.. so this box come filled with cotton.. which gives some padding.. which also helps for shipping them too.. so I feel it's all around good for me and the customer.. also a nice little box to just keep the ornament in during storage..  They come in cartons of 100 pcs.. I order in bulk and order 10 cartons every year... yeah I sell a lot of ornaments... :) 

8 hours ago, Tomanydogs said:

Thanks for sharing you great ideas Kevin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY  KEVIN I hope you had a fantastic day!!!

Thank you, I had a wonderful day.. was a nice sunny Cold day and I was able to work packing orders in the house where it was warm... LOL first sunny day we've had in a while so that was nice.. 

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