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Hello Everyone, 

New scroll saw user here. From Middle Tennessee. Literally 4 days ago I dug out my grandpa’s old Central Machinery scroll saw from the shed loft because I was bored. I thought “what can I do with this?”. It’s been up there for about 4 years. Did some Googling, found some awesome looking photos and designs and thought “I gotta try that!”. I did a couple small projects the first day. The second day I did a couple more. The 3rd day I bought a new Porter Cable saw from Lowe’s. And the 4th day here I am. 


So bear with me while I ask a bunch of amateur questions. Everything I know so far I’ve just found out within the last 4 days. 

Happy to be here!



Welcome to the village. This is the best site around. Full of very friendly and highly knowledgeable people from around the world. Just ask and it will be answered.

Dick aka spotsdad 


Howdy Jason, I'm new here myself.  I'm finding out that everyone here is good people.  I started out on that Porter Cable saw from Lowes with no complaints.  Just got a new Dewalt a few days ago,, gonna try to convince the wife to let me open it up before Christmas.  


Hi Jason and welcome to the Village from East Tennessee.  Glad to have another Tennessean join us.  There are actually several here from different areas of the state.  Several I know from the Middle Tennessee area as well.  One day we are going to have to get all of us together some where to meet and greet!  Love your story about digging out Grandpa's saw and already upgrading it.  I bet Grandpa would be quite proud of you for taking it up.  Lots of great folks and information in the village here and look forward to your participation.  My day is not complete unless I have been here in the village checking things out once or twice! 😉☺️

Since you are just getting into learning the saw and finding patterns and such.  Make sure that you check out a couple of places here in the Village.  The Patterns subsection and the Resources subsection.  Both have tabs at the top of the page. Under the Patterns subsection - there is an "Ornaments for Charity" e-book that has a ton of Christmas ornament patterns in it for cutting by all levels of scrollers.  Download it and look at it and give a few a try.  No cost, other than they ask you make a donation of any size/kind to the charity of your choice to pay it forward.  Also, if you are not familiar with Steve Good and his blog and FREE patterns - be sure to check it out here: http://scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com gets you to his blog where most days he shares a free pattern and other information related to the saw.  Good to go back through his blog as time allows and pick up a lot of good information and tips.  You can also find all his free patterns to download from his online pattern catalog rather than have to go through the blog looking. It is found here: http://www.stevedgood.com/catalog/index.php

Look forward to your participation and seeing some of your work.


Welcome to The Village family. We are so glad you found us and we all hope  you continue to log on so everyone can get to know you better and you us. Be sure and check out all the nooks and crannies here and please ask any scroll saw questions you may have. Proper blades and wood are two very important things you will want to know about as you scroll different things. Keep in touch and respond to other's comments too. You will find if you do this you will quickly understand why this site is referred to by many as 'family'



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