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Posted (edited)

I’m sure it’s been asked 1,000 times so here goes 1,001. 

Ive been using big box retailer woods. Poplar and Oak boards from Lowe’s. 1/4 inch up to 3/4. I also got some plywood. I noticed the Poplar snapped easily. 

What are some good wood options? Where do you get wood from? 



Edited by Toothpick

Hey Toothpick, many use the wood from the big box retailers - as that is all they have available in their area.  I myself get the poplar and oak from Lowes as needed.  I have not noticed a problem with my poplar and I know @Iguanadon - Scott, Iggy - gets his poplar he uses for all his animal puzzles he sells at them as well.

If you have lumbar stores in your area, you can also check those and get wood there.  For example, we have Anderson Lumber and Christmas Lumber in the Knoxville area and I have gotten some wood there.  I don't like going there unless hubby goes with me for a couple of reasons. Plus, they don't like to let you go back and pick your pieces out generally.

If you ever travel over to the Knoxville area, there is Jefferies Lumber off of Chapman Highway in the Seymour area that a lot of people from out of town are even familiar with.  They carry lots of wood, lots of sizes, and will cut to size for you.

If you have local saw mills in your area, you can see if you can get wood directly from them as well.  I haven't tracked any down yet in our area - well, I haven't tried to buy any directly from any of them yet but I understand some people do regularly.

We will also buy from Rockler (When we visit our daughter in the Atlanta area) or from our local Woodcraft store but not generally as they tend to be higher I feel.  Sometimes you can get a "sale" on it.

Check your local craft stores for good baltic burch plywood - think Michael's, etc.  Somebody in my area seems to hit up all the Michael's so I seldom can find it there though. Usually sold out of what I want when I check. Suggested maybe they needed to get more.  They indicated this person would still buy it all! 🙄

Finally, there are several online sources people use to get wood from. Couple I know about are The Handsome Woodsman, Bell Forest Products, West Penn Hardwoods, Ochoee and more. Problem with that can be the shipping expenses but can still be worth it.

I am sure others will weigh in with more information and we will all learn more sources.


Definitely check around for local retail hardwood lumber stores. The one in my area almost has boxes or bags of cut offs and scraps for sale on the cheap. I sort thru for the good stuff and burn the rest in the stove.  Ask if they don't have any out, I've heard stories of people being given all they can carry just for asking.

Good luck in your search.


We have a lumber supply store about 45 miles from my house. Good quality and reasonable prices. The people there are great to work with and seem generally interested in your needs. They will also custom mill a piece for you with a smile on their face or  skim a board so you can see the grain and patterns. Most of what they sell is rough cut. I have ran to the big box stores and gotten pieces I can run through the thicknesses and have found some of the 3/4 to be all cracked and split inside. Making it unusable for anything which is upsetting. 


I buy materials from various sources over the years. Mainly hardwoods come from a dealer around by me. I am able to pick my own lumber. But his woods are top quality so it is very easy. I get both domestic and exotics from him. I use to have a couple place like this but a fire has put one dealer out of business. I also buy on line for specialty woods from various place and Cooks Woods is one. I hardly ever use Home Centers woods any more. They are over priced by alot. I will by construction woods such as plywood but that is not for crafts but maybe for jigs or other home projects. 


For scrolling Baltic Birch is the best.  You will not find it at Lowe's, or Home Depot.  A lot of lumber yards carry it, cabinet shops and I have an unfinished furnisher store locally that sell it.  Hobby stores sell it but not usually in full sheet.  It normally come is 5ft. x 5ft. sheet although some people find it in 8ft x 4ft sheets.

Here is a good article about it and the grades it come in.  You want the best grade possible. 



Check with a local cabinet shop, they use a lot of BB.  A lot of times their scrap is just right for a scroll project.  I also haunt the local motorcycle shops as their shipping crates do not use US made plywood, IE read that they use good plywood.  Also I have got some great oak boards from those same crates shipped from Europe.  For exotic woods for inlays etc. I go online.  Russ

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