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On 12/9/2018 at 2:56 PM, Charlie E said:

Too excited not to tell somebody that will understand. My Dewalt 788 bit the dust a couple of weeks ago.Today I sold a very nice trumpet that was gathering dust which enabled me to order a Hegner Multimax 22Vο»Ώο»Ώ. Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸ˜„

I have heard about the Hegner scroll saws, but had never seen one, before.  Just now, I took a look at one and (OMG) - that thing looks AWESOME.  Not a saw for the 'shallow pockets' , but - and most certainly - one to be worked towards.  I am so happy for you, and am left salivating 😊.

5 minutes ago, NLAlston said:

I have heard about the Hegner scroll saws, but had never seen one, before.  Just now, I took a look at one and (OMG) - that thing looks AWESOME.  Not a saw for the 'shallow pockets' , but - and most certainly - one to be worked towards.  I am so happy for you, and am left salivating 😊.

Thanks. If I had not had the trumpet to sell to pay for most of it my pockets wouldn't have been deep enough.Β πŸ˜€ I've only used it a couple of times now and like anything new I'm still getting acquainted with it. But I already love using it plus it makes me happy knowing it will be around for a long time.Β 

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