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weapons of mass destruction - should be outlawed😁; I'm calling my sheriff tomorrow. Everyone needs to turn in their letter openers along with their nail clippers!

we used to get handwritten thank you notes from grandchildren when they received gifts from us several years ago.

Now we get text messages - if we are lucky!

I am proposing  a national handwritten "send a letter day" - to anyone of your choice. The USPS could promote it as a way to stay connected the REAL way. And it would help with their budget too! And a new stamp design.

And teach cursive too. I think it was Jerry who sent the cartoon: How can you write your name when peeing in the snow if you don't know cursive. But I digress.

Cheers and Happy New Year to all.



Nice letter openers.  They remind me of a time when I had a talk with my 34 year old granddaughter about the value of real written letters and encouraged her to sit down with her parents, and grand parents and ask them all about their lives and then go and write it down for future reference as that info may be lost forever, once the older people die and then no one will know much about them. She responded and came to my house and got a copy of all my family history things, including the letters from the civil war that were written by my great grandfather's brothers. Letter openers now should be referred to as, ' junk mail openers'



11 hours ago, Toothpick said:

Can you tell us what wood you used? How you got a sharp edge on them? 

Very nice! 

The wood is cherry.  I use the 12" disc sander on my Shopsmith to remove the bulk of wood, then either my belt sander or random orbit sander, or  combination of both to finish.

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