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First of all, welcome to the scroll saw village...

I don't know about your question, but you mention having to sit sideways.. In shopping for my new saw I seen that the Hawk brand scroll saw has a stand specifically for their scroll saw.. so with that said.. maybe take a look at this stand they have.. it may have some dimensions that you might be able to use and also give you an idea for wheel chair accessible.


Like I said... not sure if there is any info here that'd help you design and build yours.. just thought I'd show what I seen on their site a few weeks ago..


I put my saw on a slab of wood hinged in the front with a moveable block to adjust the angle. I suggest a u shaped front so you can get in there straight on. Then a single leg toward the back, making a three legged stand. The Hawk stand would be a good model. 

My "legs" are actually heavy panels forming a "vee". Yours could be spread apart in the back wide enough to fit your chair. As long as the front was wider than the back you have a stable platform. I can draw a sketch if you want.

My 2 cents...


Howdy neighbor, and welcome to the forum!:) Good to see a new face on the block!:):)

I reckon my first question I'd have to throw out to ya is what breed a saw are ya usin'? Your stand can be constructed to fit you personally, and as already mentioned, the degree of tilt is whatever suits your fancy the best.

My first suggestion would be to create your saw stand more in the shape of a "saw station" to suit your needs, Sir. Set it up so you are facin' your saw head on, and have places for blade storage within easy reach for you. As JT mentioned, to sit sideways to your saw will be extremely difficult and uncomfortable for you, my friend. 

For what it's worth, I personally would avoid the 3 legged stand, mostly because of personal preference, years of experience, and stability. 

Best of luck to you, Sir, and enjoy your new hobby! Don't be afraid to ask questions if ya get yourself in a tight. There are many levels of experience here at the Village, and we are always proud to help ya any way can.:):)


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